Where to find the switches in Destiny 2’s ‘Outbreak Refined’ mission

Outbreak refined‘ is a bonus mission in Lot 2‘s revived ‘Zero Hour’ mission, which allows you to unlock new perks that allow you to further customize your settings Breakout perfected Exotic Pulse Rifle. To get these new benefits, you’ll need to turn around some hidden benefits switches in the legend version of the mission every week. You can pick up ‘Outbreak Refined’ from Ada-1 after previously completing ‘Zero Hour’ for her.

In this Lot 2 guide, we will show you how to complete the legendary version of “Zero Hour” and complete the quest “Outbreak Refined”. If you want to upgrade the intrinsic perk for Outbreak Perfected and pick up the new Vimana Junker Exotic ship, check out our guide to the ‘Zero Hour’ vault puzzle.

How to complete ‘Zero Hour’ on Legend

Before I tell you where to find the switches, you first need to know how to complete “Zero Hour” in the legend. Unlike “The Whisper” mission, the route you take in “Zero Hour” changes depending on the difficulty, so you’ll have to learn a partially different path if you want to complete this quest.

Start “Zero Hour” in legend mode and get ready to run. While the normal version of this mission gives you 40 minutes, according to legend you only get 20 minutes and have to fight more difficult fighters.

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

The first part of the mission plays out the same in both legend and normal, so continue the quest until you’ve killed all the fallen, dropped the elevator, and reached the room where you normally enter the ship. the bottom jumps. left. But this time don’t jump down. Turn right instead.

You will see a group of vents in the shape of an E in the room. Run over and go to the upper right vent. At the back of the vent you will see an open path. Take this.

A Guardian enters a vent in Zero Hour in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

When you land, run forward and break the ventilation cover near the blue boxes. Go inside. Go right and drop through the hole. Then go forward and drop back down.

You are now on a large, concrete lid, in a room with four other lids, numbered one through four. Ignore them for now and drop to the left into the watery drain. There is a hole at the bottom that leads you to a platform. Stand on it and turn around and see where you jumped from. Enter the small path here.

A Guardian jumps to some red pipes in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

Now you end up in a kind of pipe maze, and there are switches on the wall that you can throw. These switches correspond to the concrete covers. The lid you need to open is three, and you’ll find the switch for it at the back left of this maze. Run forward, jump up to the scaffolding on your left, and then jump down to the left again, landing diagonally from where you entered this area. Go down the path and flip the switch.

Go back to the concrete covers and climb onto number three. Don’t go in. Use the lid as a jumping point to climb up the drain. At the top, go left and enter the open vent on top of the boxes. Follow the path until you come to a large hole. Carefully jump into the boxes here and kill the Fallen your way. Jump from doorway to doorway until you can exit on the left side of the room, near the Captain. (If you flip the switch here, you’ll make this room much easier for your friends.)

A Guardian jumps onto the outer wall of The Tower in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

Follow the path until you reach outside the tower. Turn left and look for the very small footholds along the wall. Climb the pipes and be careful of the small metal platforms as they will collapse if you stand on them for a few seconds. Turn the corner of the Tower and keep going. Climb up to the open vent and beware of the exploding shafts inside.

Go right and slide down the parachute. Make sure you jump at the end so you don’t fall into the pit. From here, jump right into the pipe room and then climb up the pipes to a landing. From there, look to the left and shoot through the vent. You are now in the fan room, where the points meet.

Follow the normal route here until you reach the Cryptarch’s vault. Now you need to know the secret vault path to avoid getting burned. As with the normal difficulty setting, this path changes every day and is based on the burn for the mission (which you can check by opening your Ghost).

Check out the images below (courtesy of the Destiny 2 Lost Sectors

Arch path

An image shows the legend and the normal path through Zero Hour on Arc Day

Image: D2LostSector on X, via the Midnight Coup clan in Destiny 2

When the combustion is Arc, start on the leftmost tile.

Empty path

An image shows the legend and the normal path through Zero Hour on Void Day

Image: D2LostSector on X, via the Midnight Coup clan in Destiny 2

If the burn is invalid, you also start on the leftmost tile.

Solar path

An image shows the legend and the normal path through Zero Hour on Solar Day

Image: D2LostSector on X, via the Midnight Coup clan in Destiny 2

If the combustion is solar powered, start on the leftmost tile.

Once you’re through the maze, you’ll face off against the mission’s final boss to complete the legendary version of ‘Zero Hour’.

Where to find the ‘Outbreak Refined 1’ switches

In Zero Hour, a Guardian jumps to an AC unit on the side of the wall

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

Once you know your way around the legend ‘Zero Hour’, finding these hidden switches is quite easy.

After you kill enough Fallen with Outbreak Perfected to get the “Outbreak refined 1‘, go to the legend ‘Zero Hour’ and make your way to the concrete covers – those labeled one through four. Flip the three switches as normal. But this time, on the way back, you stop at the scaffolding in the middle of the pipe labyrinth. On the sides of the room you will see what appears to be two large air conditioners. Above one of them you will see a switch. Flip it over and you’ll get a countdown on your screen that says ‘Catalyst switch prepared‘ and then a short countdown.

A Guardian pulls a switch in Destiny 2's Zero Hour mission

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

Run as fast as you can to lid number three and climb all the way to the top. Go through the doorway and turn left. Next to the shelf you will see a switch on the wall. Turn it over before your timer reaches zero and you’ll complete this part of the quest. If the timer is a little too fast for you, fear not, because you can also do this route backwards, and it’s actually a little easier. Just throw the switch next to the shelf, jump through the hole and go back to the air conditioning switch.

Once you’ve successfully flipped the switches, you’ll need to complete the ‘Zero Hour’ legend. If you’ve already wasted too much time on the switches, you can restart the mission and stay on the same step. You don’t have to do the switch puzzle again.

When you complete the mission on legend, you can return the quest to Ada-1, which gives you the Quick hit perk that you can now use to customize your Outbreak Perfected.

Where to find the ‘Outbreak Refined 2’ switches

A Guardian pulls a switch in Destiny 2's Zero Hour mission

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

Kill enemies to collect SIVA clusters with Outbreak Perfected for “Outbreak Refined II”, then go to “Zero Hour” on Legend.

In the room right after the first lever — the large well room — you will find the second lever set. This tie-in is much less stressful than the first, so clear out all the Fallen in the room and flip the switch at the end to make your life a little easier.

Go back to the first small booth in the room, directly down and to the right from where you entered the mission. You will see a lever on the wall on the right side of the booth. Throw it and then run to the exit of this room as if you were continuing the mission normally.

A Guardian watches a Hunter point at a switch in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

Continue along the path and through the vent. As you drop down, you’ll see some red pipes, which will lead you to the outside of the tower and the rest of the mission. But do not follow these lines just. Instead, walk over the pipe and turn left. The switch is on the wall. (The hunter in the image above is aiming for it).

Flip the switch and you complete this step of the quest. Again, you must complete the mission on Legend to get your bonus benefit. But once you do that – and return to Ada-1 – you’ll get the Rewind rounds perk, which is very powerful in PvE.

Where to find the ‘Outbreak Refined 3’ switches

This step of the quest, like all the others, has a short kill requirement ahead of it. But this time you have to start The devilish attack, which you can find at the Cosmodrome. Once you’re done with that, head over to “Zero Hour” on Legend as usual.

Continue the mission until you pass the first and second switch sections in this guide. Almost immediately after the second set of switches you’ll encounter the third.

A Guardian looks at a switch in Zero Hour

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

As soon as your head outside, on the wall of the tower, you stand on the edge of a small drain. Look to the right and you’ll see a thin platform next to a wall switch. This is your starting point.

Jump to the right and flip the switch to start the timer.

A Guardian looks at some pipes in Zero Hour

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

Once you flip it, turn around and jump over the wall in the direction you need to go to continue the mission. About half way you will find one collection of pipes stacked on top of each other with small jumps in between. Climb these pipes.

If you’ve gone around the corner or jumped onto the broken pipe hanging all alone on the wall, you’ve gone too far.

A Guardian looks at a switch in Zero Hour

Image: Bungie via Polygoon

At the top of the stack of pipes you will find the second switch on the wall. Turn it over in time and you’ll complete the final Outbreak Refined mission and unlock the Main viewfinder Exotic benefit for your breakout perfected.

If you have trouble with this switch, try turning it backwards, starting with the switch above the pipes. If you’re still having trouble accomplishing this, try a Strand Grapple Grenade to help you move quickly.

Looking for more information about Outbreak Perfected? Here’s how to complete Zero Hour’s vault puzzles.