Where to find Mole in Baldur's Gate 3

Mol is a little Tiefling girl Baldur's Gate 3and she's a bit of a villain. You can find her in the Tiefling Children's Shelter in the Emerald green forest in act 1, assuming you're small enough to fit through a hole in the wall, otherwise you save Mirkon from the Harpies.

Mol acts as a little sleuth in the first act, asking you to steal the sacred druid idol and cause trouble. However, like all other Tieflings, if you save her people, she will leave the Emerald Grove, heading to the Last light inn in the Shadow-Cursed Lands of act 2.

This is where Mole's story can become much more complex and confusing, leading to the “Find Mole” questline, which can cover a large portion of the game. In this Baldur's Gate 3 guide, we will tell you how to “rescue” Mole and where to find her.

(Ed. remark: This post contains spoilers for act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3.)

How to start the 'Find Mole' quest in BG3 act 2

Below we explain how to use the “Find Mole” quest in act 2. But if you already have this one, feel free to skip to the next section as you do You cannot continue this quest at all until you reach Baldur's Gate in act 3.

Assuming the Tieflings all survived act 1, Mole will appear at the Last Light Inn in the Shadow-touched Lands in act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3. As you enter, you'll see her playing chess with none other than Raphael, the Cambion Fiend disguised as a human. When you talk to the pair, Mol returns to her friends at the bar and Raphael claps his mouth at you as usual.

Once you've progressed the story a bit from Act 2, the Last Light Inn will be attacked by the cult operating out of this area Moonrise Towersand will try to kidnap Isobel. If you fail this battle, pretty much everyone in the inn dies, and that's a big deal. But even if you succeed and save Isobel, many of the Tieflings will be taken to Moonrise Towers, and you will have to rescue them. again.

Image: Larian Studios via Polygon

After the attack you can talk to Mole's friends – the other Bonding children at the Last Light Inn – and they will ask you to save their friend for them. This will give you the quest “Find Mole”.

Depending on how good you are, it will probably be quite a few hours between the Last Light Inn and your first entrance to Moonrise Towers. But once you get in there, infiltrate the prisons and rescue the Tieflings, you'll discover that Mole is nowhere to be found. Go ahead and put your detective hat away now. You will not encounter Mol anywhere in act 2because she has already escaped to Baldur's Gate itself.

Finish rescuing the other Tieflings, including Zevlor – and clear all the quests you want to do in act 1 and act 2. Once you're done, head to Baldur's Gate to chase Mole.

Where to find Mole in BG3 act 3

Image: Larian Studios via Polygon

Once you reach Baldur's Gate, continue the main mission to the Lower town and put Jaheira at your party. Start the 'Help the Underduke missionwhich you pick up by going inside Shares' caress pleasure house Rivington.

From there go to the entrance of the Guild House with Jaheira – shown on the map above – to the east of the counting house. As long as you have the Druid Harper in your party, the villains blocking the entrance will let you in without any problem.

Image: Larian Studios via Polygon

Once you reach the Guildhall, walk around and meet all the thieves. Eventually you come across Mol, who is building a new life among the thieves of the Guildhall. Talk to her and you will complete the quest “Find Mole”.

If you want to help Mol further – even though she won't see it as you helping her – you can find her contract with Raphael in the House of hope. However, if you kill him and tell Mol about it, she will yell at you and say that Raphael was her Warlock patron and that he still owed her a few promises. She will then promise that the guild will not look too kindly on you if she is in charge. Admittedly, that doesn't feel very good. But on the plus side, you saved a child from the eternal slavery of a literal devil!

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