Where to find all the Purveyors of Curiosity in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 abolished gambling currency Diablo 3 — Blood Shards — and replaced with another currency that you can get through the new World Events: Murmuring obols. The ability to gamble for gear is a crucial part of your late-game preparation, so you’ll want to collect Murmuring Obols whenever you can. But you can only spend them at one supplier: the creepy one Purveyors of curiosity.

In this Diablo 4 guide, we’ll show you where to find all the Purveyors of Curiosity in Sanctuary.

Our interactive map gives you a bird’s-eye view of the locations of all eight Purveyors of Curiosities in Sanctuary, so you can quickly explore the continent and find where to go.

Remark: In Season 2, Blizzard moved every Purveyor of Curiosities to more convenient locations. Instead of being in dark alleys or other thematically appropriate areas for shady vendors, they now operate out in the open, close to other locations. We’ve added a description for the new location of each Purveyor of Curiosity.

Who are the purveyors of curiosity

Purveyors of Curiosity are vendors who trade Murmuring Obols for loot. You can find them in different cities Diablo 4.

Fractured Peaks – Supplier of curiosities

There are two Purveyor’s of Curiosity in the Fractured Peaks. You will find the first in the capital of the region, Kyovashad. The second is in the city Jelesnawhich is located in the southeastern part of Fractured Peaks.

The Kyovashad supplier — Lizveth – sits in a corner in the tavern north of the Waypoint.

The Yelesna supplier — Rodyar – is located in the tavern on the east side of town, near the Stash.

Scosglen – Supplier of curiosities

There is only one curio supplier in Scosglen. You can find them in Cerrigarthe capital of the region.

The Cerrigar Supplier — Fideg – is located south of the town of Waypoint, against a tent.

Dry steppes – Supplier of curiosities

There are two different Curio suppliers in the Dry Steppe Region. The first one is in Ked Bardu, the capital of Dry Steppes. The second one is in Jirandaiwhich is located in the southern part of the region.

The Ked Bardu suppliers — Elbek — is located east of the Waypoint, near the Jeweler.

The Jirandai Supplier — Aldai – is still quite a distance from the Waypoint and is south of the Jeweler.

Kehjistan – Supplier of curiosities

There is only one supplier of curiosity in the Kehjistan region, and that is where you can find them Gae Kulthe capital.

The Gae Kul Supplier — Ostaf — is located next to the Waypoint on a docked ship.

Hawezar – Supplier of curiosities

There are two purveyors of curiosity in Hawezar, the jungle area. The first one is in Zarbinzet, the capital of Hawezar. The second supplier has arrived Inland waterthe coastal city in the east.

The Zarbinzet supplier — Evenya – is located in the same inn as the Wardrobe and the Stash, west of the Waypoint.

The Backwater supplier — Seni – is located on the dock east of the Waypoint, near the Stash.