When grapefruit isn’t your thing | Short letters

Does the scientist who advises on drinking grapefruit with your cup of tea know that if you are taking medication for blood pressure problems, you should avoid grapefruit (Deja brew: a chemistry professor’s latest advice on drinking tea – try grapefruit, February 16) ?
Anna Newell
Thame, Oxfordshire

Lola Okolosie’s article (Why are kids doing the ‘Brexit tackle’? They’re having fun at the expense of adults – and mocking our toxic politics, February 14), I was reminded that my sister refers to her frozen shoulder as a ‘ Brexit shoulder’, as it no longer has full freedom of movement.
Susan Hutchinson

I was about to conduct a performance of Mozart’s La Clemenza di Tito when I noticed some children in the front row. I went to them to give a warning (report, February 11) that a very frightening murder took place on the stage during the overture. Their answer: “We like it scary.”
David Davis

When I heard that the University of Bristol would appoint me as emeritus professor (Letters, February 14), I asked whether the emeritus professorship meant anything other than the name emeritus professor. I didn’t get an answer.
Emeritus Professor Keith Graham

It must be recognized that before Rishi Sunak took power, the country was on the brink of an abyss. Since then we have taken a big step forward (Editorial, February 15).
Terry O’Hara
Maghull, Merseyside

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