WhatsApp: format text, create bulleted list, use block quote in chat | Apps – Business Standard

Meta’s instant messaging platform WhatsApp has started rolling out an update with new text formatting options. These include options to create bulleted and numbered lists, use block quotes, and use inline code. The company said in a press release that these new options will help users organize and compose their messages.

According to a press release from Meta, these options will help WhatsApp users save time and help them communicate more effectively through messages, especially in group chats.

These are the new text formatting options on WhatsApp:

  • Bulleted lists: This allows users to outline steps in a process or list multiple topics. To use this, type the “-” symbol followed by a space.
  • Numbered lists: This will help users write down a specific order of things or instructions. To use this, type “1,” “2” or more numbers followed by a “.” (period) and one space.
  • Block quote: This can be used to highlight some important text so it stands out more. To use this, type the “>” symbol followed by a space.
  • Inline code: It will help distinguish specific information within a sentence. To use this, wrap the text with the ‘ ‘ ‘ symbol.

Here is a list of existing text formatting options on WhatsApp:

  • In bold: Wrap the text with
  • symbol. For example *WhatsApp* Italics:
  • Wrap the text with the (_) symbol. For example _WhatsApp_ Strike out:
  • Wrap the text with a (~) symbol. For example ~WhatsApp~ Monospace:

Enclose the text with (‘) symbols. For example ‘WhatsApp’ First print: February 22, 2024 | 11:35 am