What’s wrong with Whoopi? Expert say The View star’s, 67, frequent farting could be caused by xxx

Whoopi Goldberg regularly passes live gas on national television, leading co-hosts and fans alike to laughter and screams of horror.

Whoopi, who says her name was inspired by grade school’s favorite whoopie pillow, has dealt with inconvenient flatulence for years — with yet another moment of embarrassment hitting her Wednesday. It’s the fourth time she’s passed gas on-air during The View.

Doctors told DailyMail.com today that it could be linked to her age, 67, or medications she might be taking for her sciatica diagnosis.

They said it could also be related to her diet, which was previously reported to consist of gas-causing frozen pizzas and takeout meals, or a lack of exercise.

Dr. Ahmed Albusoda, a gastroenterologist at Princess Grace Hospital in London, told DailyMail.com that these foods can slow down her bowels and cause constipation.

Whoopi Goldberg hit the gas for a fourth time on The View on Wednesday as some viewers speculate why this may be happening

“Of course we need to talk to a patient specifically,” said Dr. Albusoda.

‘[But] if she eats a lot of junk food, or anything else high in fat like processed food, that can also slow down your bowel movements and cause constipation.

“Junk food is not healthy for the gut and can also change the population of gut bacteria – so you replace canaries with others.”

He added that a shift in diet to more healthy foods and more leafy greens can also cause flatulence, as it displaces bacteria in the gut.

The iconic Hollywood star was also diagnosed with sciatica in 2021, which led to her leaving the show for a few weeks last summer.

Suffered from sciatica, which affects up to 40 percent of people at some point in their lives, due to pain, weakness, numbness and tingling on one’s leg.

It is usually caused by a problem with the sciatic nerve – one of the longest nerves in the body that runs from the buttocks to the foot.

Goldberg’s representatives did not respond to a DailyMail.com request for comment.

Goldberg suffers from sciatica, a condition in which problems with a person’s sciatic nerve (yellow) lead to pain, tingling, numbness, and other irritation. Flatulence can be a possible side effect of sciatica medication

When asked about her sciatica battle, Dr Albusoda said: ‘In general, people with sciatica are less active, which is a risk factor for constipation because there is more fermentation in the stool.

“They also take pain medications, and many of them can cause constipation because they cause more fermentation and gas in the stool.”

It was not clear if she was still taking pain medication for the condition.

But doctors warn that these can increase the risk of flatulence because they slow down movements in the gut, giving food more time to ferment.

This also happens with age, as the muscular wall of the intestine weakens, which, according to doctors, can also cause flatulence. As people age, the anal sphincter — or the exit from the intestines — can also weaken, increasing the risk of uncontrolled flatulence.

When asked what could be the cause of Goldberg’s on-air “hot air,” Dr. Jessica Cording, a nutritionist in New York City, also suggested it could be related to diet.

“If someone is experiencing excessive amounts of gas, something that could contribute to that is certain foods,” she said.

“Cruciferous vegetables, legumes, lentils, and things like that … are known to produce more gas.”

“Someone who is just starting to add more fiber to their diet may cause more gas in their gut.

“If they take in a lot of air while eating – so eat very quickly – chewing gum, that can also cause you to swallow a lot of air – so more flatulence.”

She added, “What I would tell someone if they are experiencing it to the point where it seems excessive or unmanageable, I would encourage them to contact a gastroenterologist, just in case there is something underlying.”

Other causes of flatulence include intolerance to various foods, such as dairy products.

He said people who regularly gas should make sure they see a doctor, adding that they would like to see her at the Harley Street Clinic in London.

Goldberg passed loud gas on national television just Wednesday, throwing her off her talking points.

“That was gas,” she told the audience before being greeted with a roar of laughter.

Incidents like this have become common on daytime talk show “The View” in recent years, with a similar situation unfolding several weeks earlier when viewers reported hearing a windy noise during a discussion.

In yet another incident in 2014, a segment about flu shots was interrupted by a loud honking that prompted Goldberg to get up from her seat and say, “Excuse me!” Oooh, ooh.’

However, she later denied that she farted in the air, saying “there was a sound we had never heard before.”

There is even footage online of her farting live on air in 2011 while filming another segment for The View, where she said, “I feel like I just let a frog get out there.”

Previous concerns have been raised about Goldberg’s post-treatment diet Globe reported last February that she weighed 350 pounds and named her “Wobbly Whoopi.”

A report by the end of 2021 Enstarz citing the National Enquirer also claimed that she caused irritation on set because of her “poor diet — including eating out frozen pizzas, takeout, and sweets.”

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