What’s a Good Starter Car for My Teen?

Although experienced drivers aren’t impervious to car crashes, they aren’t as large of a threat as they are to teens

Many parents hold the keys for as long as possible, to keep their teens safe. Unfortunately, this strategy will only last so long before they ask for a vehicle. They could be safer on the roads depending on which vehicle is selected. 

If you want to discover the best options for a good starter car, take a look below! 

Honda Civic

One of the most popular vehicles new drivers get is the Honda Civic. 

The Honda Civic is a small vehicle that’s easy to maneuver and park. If your child is ready to start driving themself to school, you won’t have to worry as much with this car. These vehicles don’t consume much gas, offering excellent mileage. 

Various tests and testimonials show that the Civic is reliable and safe. There are safety features that help prevent accidents and act as another set of eyes on the road. Since this car is so popular, it comes in many varieties, you can go with the basic model or make some upgrades. 

The best part about the Civic is that it’s a cheap first car. Compared to many other options, this vehicle is much more affordable and accessible. 

Chevy Equinox

If you’re worried that your teen might get overlooked on the road, the Equinox could be the best choice. 

The Equinox is one of the most highly-rated vehicles on the market and it comes with innovative safety features. The hatchback style offers more space inside, but it’s not too large to drive around. New drivers enjoy this vehicle for its modern style and increased storage space. 

Another reason to consider this cross-over is for its safety features in cooler climates. The vehicle is raised higher than small cars and comes in 4WD, making it easier to move through ice and snow. 

Honda Accord

Honda is known for many things, and one of the top things is its gas mileage.

The Honda Accord makes an excellent first car because of its gas preservation, compact size, and safety features. You can find the Accord in hybrid options, but they will cost a bit more than the standard price. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the Accord, check the Honda Oakland website. Online, you can view other options and locate contact info to get the transaction started. 

Accords are relatively easy to drive and come with a collision mitigation brake system and collision warnings. There is also a lane departure feature that notifies the driver of nearby cars, especially in the blind spot. 

Toyota Camry

Dependable cars with excellent fuel efficiency can be a challenge to find. 

The Toyota Camry is one of the few vehicles that are safe and reliable, and they don’t contribute to climate change. This luxurious car is great for new drivers because it comes with as much functionality and protection as it does a good appearance. 

Teen drivers love this car because of its sporty and sleek style. You can find this vehicle in a variety of colors and editions, all of which help tailor the car to your teen. If your teen feels comfortable driving around, it should improve their attention to the road. 

Ford Fusion

Buying American-made vehicles is a top priority for some, and you may not want to start your teens off with the wrong set of wheels. 

The Ford Fusion is a perfect car for new drivers and teens because it supports our country and comes with top-of-the-line features. These cars a low-maintenance and reliable with a straight-forward design. Many customers have gotten more than 200,000 miles out of their Fusions, so if it’s kept safe, it could last them a while. 

There is plenty of storage space in this compact car and the interior feels luxurious. Your teen will feel snug in their seats each time they drive. 

Volkswagen Jetta

The Volkswagen Jetta has several reputations, one of them being reliable. 

Jettas are an excellent first car for new drivers. The driver-assistance features and ratings prove that your teen will be safe on their drives, no matter how far they are going. This is a small vehicle, made from one of the leading car brands in the industry. 

Although these cars are small and safe, they do come with some setbacks. The parts often come from Germany, or other places overseas, which can become costly. There could be a delay in getting repairs, but if you live near a Volkswagen dealership, you may have luck. 

If you’re looking for a beater car as a first vehicle, getting a used Jetta is recommended. These cars can be found at low prices, making them worth the investment. 


Buying a car for a teen can be stressful since you know they are still learning to gauge the size of the vehicle. 

The Mazda3 is an excellent option for teens and new drivers because of its compact size. This smaller vehicle is less likely to catch dings in the parking lot since the corners are rounded and easier to protect. There is plenty of space inside the car, although it’s smaller. 

The size and build of the Mazda3 improves gas mileage and performance. You don’t have to worry about this vehicle breaking down unless your teen is up against several inches of snow. 

Although it doesn’t have 4WD, you can still rely on the Mazda3 in different weather conditions. 

A Good Starter Car Is Just a Drive Away

You shouldn’t have to travel far to find a good starter car for your teen.

No matter which brand you prefer, you can select a safe car for your new driver. Since larger vehicles and sports cars can increase the risk of danger, the list above focuses on more compact options. With a reliable vehicle, you can trust that your child is protected, even when you can’t be with them. 

To learn more about buying a car, check out our site for the latest content! 

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