What you need to know about this weekend’s full moon and lunar eclipse: Emotional turmoil and major changes are imminent for every star sign

Aries (March 21 to April 19):

Now is not the time for impulsiveness, especially when it comes to your money. There may also be some turbulence in communications as your ruler Mars opposes this eclipse, so watch for irritation in women.

Possessions can provide a sense of stability and you may be attracted to antiques or items with nostalgic value. On the positive side, you might reassess your beliefs, decide that your self-esteem is very important, or think about what you deserve in life.

You’re probably reassessing your financial values ​​right now. In Taurus, the lunar eclipse paints the night, for Aries’ emotions are strong and clear. It is a cosmic spectacle and an exciting sight when you manage your money so well and achieve success.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20):

The lunar eclipse in your zodiac sign means that you are probably strongly influenced by emotions.

Be aware of emotional outbursts that indicate deeper problems that need to be resolved. On the positive side, your feelings will help with authenticity and honesty in relationships.

People will notice that you express yourself with directness and firmness. You may also be inspired to start new projects, especially in the way you approach the world or relate to your physical body.

Think of a new diet, a new exercise regimen and new viewpoints. Changing your appearance, identity or beliefs can mean something! Under the lunar eclipse of Taurus, so bright, emotions rise in the quiet night. A cosmic dance reveals your hidden insight!

Gemini (May 21 to June 20):

You are being pointed onto a spiritual path, so it is a fantastic time for a life review and some inner reflection.

Focus on those little flashes of brilliance you receive when your mind is blank.

This often happens during routine jobs and when handling water, such as showering, watering the garden or washing dishes. Write down these subconscious messages.

Spiritual healing can help resolve recent issues that may be troubling. For you, the solar eclipse joins Jupiter and Uranus, which may make things seem bigger than they really are, or something unusual or unpredictable may happen.

As the lunar eclipse graces the night, it is a heavenly delight. Curiosity rises, your thoughts run wild!

Cancer (June 21 to July 22):

Friends, groups and connections are key for you now. You may organize gatherings for close friends and family.

Emotions can come up, but that’s usually the case with you. You’ll likely get the support you need in sharing your emotions, so go ahead and wear your heart on your sleeve.

Your hopes and dreams also become clearer as you feel more inspired and passionate about what you believe.

You can also meet someone special through friends, groups or relationships. During this lunar eclipse, your heart radiates and your emotions are deep in the gentle flow of the moon.

A cosmic dance of feelings is the gift of the night with a bow! Well done you!

Leo (July 23 to August 22):

It’s a good time to expand your career, reputation or status, because old templates no longer fit.

Being in the public eye may make you more visible in some way.

Maybe you’re thinking about social media? It may also be that you work very well with the audience and that you are noticed in some way. Your family or home may also be affected, so look out for irritability or crabbyness here.

Relationships may seem ‘magnetic’, but they can also lead to painful arguments, so be careful in your communications. Transforming your career or relationships with authority figures like a parent are also on the map now.

In the midst of the lunar eclipse, Leo’s fire burns brightly. In the cosmic theater you claim your rightful height. Your radiant dance of self-confidence is a captivating sight!

Virgo (August 23 to September 22):

Have you wondered how to expand your life? Maybe traveling or studying is on your agenda now? You may also experience memories of exciting adventures you have had or would like to experience.

Other cultures and the exotic seem more interesting because you need something different in your life… yes, it’s time for some more excitement.

Spirituality or philosophy can be gifts that keep on giving. Try to take a ‘higher’ point of view and you will see more of the real picture. Communication can become a bit difficult or perhaps there is something unpleasant in your environment, with distant relatives or siblings.

Don’t get involved if you can help it. Under the lunar eclipse, the grace of Virgo shines! In the cosmic tapestry, your analytical lines are a dance of perfection with all details aligned.

Libra (September 23 to October 22):

Sometimes it all seems like too much to handle. You may be tempted to cut yourself off from intimate encounters or financial matters involving others.

In fact, anyone you share energy with… can run in the opposite direction. Take a deep breath and don’t make any important decisions yet. You must have a clear head.

Arranging affairs and dealing with legalities – inheritances, loans or pensions may be on the cards. Arguments may arise because you may not want to give in and before you know it, the matter escalates beyond your control.

Now proceed slowly and carefully. Under the lunar eclipse, Libra’s scales align. In the cosmic arena, you redefine a dance of balance in the grand design of the night.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21):

The theater of relationships is likely to see some turbulent situations under this eclipse. You may be trying to hold on, but ask yourself, “is it really worth holding on?”

If you have support from partnerships (business or personal), then maybe it is. Emotional support is very important to you right now, so any signs of love or care count.

Stay calm and take deep breaths, this is not the time to make important decisions as knee-jerk reactions. On the plus side, any turbulence you experience is likely to move things forward where they need to be.

Women can play a strong role during relationship problems. During this lunar eclipse, Scorpio’s intensity increases.

Emotions are exposed in the cosmic depths. A passionate dance – the secrets of the night you finally share.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21):

There is a tendency to reach out and help others, especially at work or during your normal daily routine. The most important thing is that you pay equal attention and care to your own health and well-being.

It’s great to help others and it’s even better to help yourself so you can keep doing what you’re doing. So be careful with excessive self-sacrifice. A little bit is fine if you are aware of what you are really doing.

This lunar eclipse may bring problems at work or perhaps with your daily habits. Try to be tolerant of the weaknesses of others as well as yourself.

Under the lunar eclipse, Sag aims high. In the starry sky your dreams go to the heaven of the mind. A cosmic dance of adventure as you spread your wings and fly.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19):

Cap goats may be more emotional than usual, climbing mountainous challenges. This lunar eclipse brings out all those emotions that may have been suppressed for quite some time.

But on the plus side, such emotional outbursts are likely to release unconscious creativity and freedom.

It may also be that you live closer to the child’s world; a desire for fun and playtime is likely. Do it! Even more fun…that’s allowed! Romance might also be on your agenda, don’t be stubborn and go with the flow!

You could express yourself more with women now. During the lunar eclipse, Capricorn is strong. In the cosmic shadows you work and toil. A steady dance of ambition, you’re singing a new song now!

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18):

Your home and family can expand in some way. Are you thinking about a home renovation?

Jupiter is smiling down on you during this lunar eclipse, and you could receive some kind of expansion related to your domestic affairs.

Memories from the past come to mind or perhaps you are even thinking about your ancestors now. Your own school days can also become more important. Think about your foundations that may need strengthening in some areas.

Of course, all of these things may need to be balanced with career needs. An authority figure like a parent could also feature strongly now.

Under the lunar eclipse, Aquarius shines. In the cosmic realms, your intellect refines a progressive dance that merges innovation.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20):

You, dear Pisces, are no stranger to making decisions based on feelings. This could be even more true during the lunar eclipse. Be aware that communication can quickly become overly emotional.

Since logic is also important, it is not a good time to make important decisions, especially when it comes to money. Any study, promotion or marketing you are involved in is also likely to have an emotional undertone – sometimes this can work to your advantage.

You may hear from distant relatives, such as cousins ​​or siblings, including those you haven’t heard from in a while. During this lunar eclipse, Pisces dives deep. In the starry sky you keep the secrets of your soul. A transcendental dance where your emotions and dreams meet!

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