What to Do if a Dog Bites You

A pet dog can be a terrific companion and a wonderful way to enhance your home security. Many people in San Antonio own dogs of many different breeds and mixed breeds. When dogs are well-behaved, they are a wonderful family asset.

Unfortunately, some dogs can be aggressive and might prove to be a significant risk of biting people and causing potentially severe injuries – or worse. When that happens, their owners might be liable for any harm caused by their biting dogs. Here’s what you should do if you or a family member is bitten and injured by a dog.

Thoroughly Wash the Bite Wound

Your health is the first concern, so washing the bite wound to clean it is the first thing you should do. Applying some antibiotic ointment and bandaging the wound would help you to protect it against infection. If the wound is bleeding, you should apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Once the bleeding is stopped and the wound is clean and covered with antibiotic ointment, you can bandage it.

See Your Doctor Right Away

A dog bite wound could cause an infection. You should see your doctor to have the wound examined and learn if any hidden damage might have occurred. The more painful the bite wound, the more likely you might have a more serious injury, like a detached tendon or maybe a puncture wound to ligaments. Your doctor can examine your injury and prescribe medication as needed, such as antibiotics to fight infection.

Make Multiple Bandage Changes

Every day that you are recovering, you should frequently change the bandage, clean your wound, and apply more antibiotic cream. If your doctor prescribed antibiotics, you should take them as indicated and do your best to avoid putting pressure on the injured area. If you have an injured leg, ankle, or foot, you should try to stay off of it and keep your foot or leg elevated to help reduce swelling as the injury heals.

Document the Injury, Pain, and Suffering

You should document the injury by calling the local animal control office to report the incident as soon as possible. That can help you to know if the dog has a history of biting other people. You also can take photos or record a video of your injury as it heals to show the extent of the injury and its effect on you. If you are feeling pain, you could record that in a journal to document your pain and suffering – especially if you intend to hold the dog owner liable for your injury and related damages.

Retain an Attorney

A dog bite does not automatically trigger owner liability. Texas law has a one bite rule that says a one-time bite does not qualify a dog as being vicious or the owner negligent. A dog that mauls someone or has two or more records of biting people is another issue. In such instances, the owner could be liable for negligent handling of the dog. An experienced San Antonio dog bite lawyer could help you to file strong legal claims against the owner and possibly secure an insurance or a court settlement.

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