What time does Diablo 4 season 4 start?
Diablo 4 season 4, formally called Loot Reborn, comes. As the title suggests, it brings an overhaul to the loot system, some new forge mechanics, a new take on the Helltides mechanic, and a deadly plot involving the Iron Wolves mercenaries.
Here is when Diablo 4 season 4 begins in your time zone and details on what to expect from it Diablo 4 season 4.
Diablo 4 season 4 release time in your time zone
Diablo 4 Season 4 begins on Tuesday, May 14 at 10am PT, according to a Blizzard blog post. This is when that is in your time zone:
- 10am PDT off the west coast of North America
- 1:00 PM EDT off the east coast of North America
- 6pm BST for Great Britain
- 7:00 PM CEST for Western Europe/Paris
- 2am JST on May 15 for Tokyo
What’s new in Diablo 4 season 4?
As the name suggests, Diablo 4 Season 4’s Loot Reborn is mainly about items:
- mounts get simplified descriptions with simpler effects.
- Tempering And Masterpiece have a blacksmith adjust, swap and improve your additions with the new ones Tempering manual And Craft manual articles.
- You’ll be rewarded with some of those Tempering Manuals if you join the fight Iron wolves mercenary company in Kehjistan.
- Masterpieces require specific materials that can only be found in the new 200-level timed World Tier 4 Challenge. The well of craftsmen.
- The Hell tide now includes one threat mechanic inspired by Season of Blood that culminates in the player becoming Hell-marked and attracting the attention of a Hellborn. Collect their Baleful Hearts to start the game Cursed ritual and take on the Blood Maiden for a valuable reward.