WHAT IS YOUR FITNESS AGE? Try this handy calculator to find out if your exercise routine will shave off the years

Norwegian scientists have designed a simple calculator that tells you the age equivalent of your fitness level.

Experts say those who have a “fitness age” that is at least ten years younger than their actual age are likely to remain healthy into old age – and have a lower risk of heart disease.

The measure, which studies show is an accurate predictor of longevity, is based on several markers of cardiovascular health.

This includes how sweaty you get during workouts, how much exercise you do, and an estimate of how well your body uses oxygen during exercise.

The researchers behind the innovation, from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, have found that a lower fitness age is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, depression, liver failure, dementia and more.

The fitness age calculator is available online, but you can get an idea of ​​where you might fall by answering these simple questions

But it’s promising that anyone can easily lower their fitness age; it just requires increasing the heart rate by exercising several times a week.

Traditionally, doctors use simple metrics to predict long-term health, such as body mass index (BMI).

However, a growing number of experts have argued against overreliance on this figure, saying it is ‘too simplistic’.

BMI doesn’t distinguish between fat and muscle mass, so it doesn’t take into account your unique body composition – largely determined by physical fitness.

But that’s where the fitness age calculator comes in handy.

Experts recommend exercise for all ages, especially seniors. However, research shows that less than 15 percent of Americans over the age of 65 get enough exercise every day

The tool (available here) asks users for four simple pieces of information: height in centimeters, weight in kilograms, resting heart rate, and exercise habits (how often, how often, and how hard you exercise).

The term “fitness age” was coined in 2006 by Dr. Ulrik Wisløff, an exercise physiologist in Norway.

He said: ‘Your fitness level is one of the things that tells you the most about your current and future health… So it’s not surprising that the calculator also lends itself to revealing risks for many diseases.

‘Heart attack, atrial fibrillation, dementia, reduced brain volume, depression and fatty liver disease – our calculator can tell you if you are at increased risk for each of these conditions.’

Now, however, scientists have simplified the test so that it is shorter and easier for everyone to use.

In recent years, doctors have come to understand that a person’s ability to transport and use oxygen throughout the body during intense exercise was a better predictor of longevity than other indicators such as blood pressure and smoking history.

The body’s ability to properly use oxygen during exercise is known as VO2max, or maximum oxygen consumption.

According to Dr. Wisløff calls VO2max ‘the very best measure of fitness we have.’

Fitness age is based on an estimate of your VO2max level, measured in METs, a unit that represents metabolic rate during exercise compared to that at rest.

One MET is equal to the energy expended while sitting quietly at rest. Sleeping is equivalent to one MET while running at a speed of twelve kilometers per hour almost 12 METs.

According to Dr. Wisløff, your fitness age drops significantly if you regularly generate 10 to 12 METs.

Studies showing the benefits of using VO2max as a predictor of longevity inspired researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to enroll thousands of people between the ages of 20 and 90 to investigate the link between VO2max and cardiovascular health outcomes. investigations, including the risk of dying.

Their research reported strong correlations between higher levels of aerobic fitness – as measured by VO2max – and a reduced risk of cardiovascular problems such as heart disease and heart attacks, lower mortality rates and improved overall health.

If your fitness age is much higher than your chronological age, don’t panic. Regular aerobic exercise of just 10 minutes a few times a week can lower that number.

Dr. Pamela Peeke, a physician and elected member of the American College of Sports Medicine Foundation Board, told the Washington Post, “The fitness age calculator is a valuable eye-opener for people who need a reality check and wake-up call” about possible substandard fitness .

‘But it is also a grateful confirmation for people who have followed a healthy lifestyle.’

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