This week, many of you will be celebrating Thanksgiving with family and old friends. Meals fill up relatively few hours, so what to do? Small talk is precarious these days and most of us can only tolerate so many holiday movies before we snap like an old gingerbread man.
Ultimately, even the tightest families could use a nice distraction to pass the time peacefully. I recommend (no surprise) video games. I imagine most of you do too. But which one?
What makes a game ideal for sharing with family and friends, many of whom have little to no experience with the medium? I’d love to hear what you guys plan to play this holiday.
Mario kart 8 on the Switch is my favorite crowd pleaser, and if everyone has at least general experience holding a controller, I’ll go for TowerFall. Both games have fast rounds and create an aura of competitiveness that rarely sours into what I can only describe as ‘Monopoly rage’.
Bonus question: do you play traditionally? folk games away from the screen? I love cup games!