What is the use of coffee and how often can a healthy person drink it?

Coffee is one of the most controversial drinks. Views on its use and effects on the human body are divided. Some people simply adore its taste and aroma and cannot imagine the morning without a cup of their favorite invigorating drink. Others argue that its use should be limited or completely eliminated from the diet in order to preserve health. The question arises: who is right after all? Is black coffee good or bad? And how many times can it be consumed during the day? To find out, we turned to experts. It turned out that black coffee in moderation can have a positive effect on the body of a healthy person.

Awakens and relieves stress

The irresistible desire to drink a cup of morning coffee for its connoisseurs is primarily associated with waking up and energizing for a new day. But not only an invigorating effect is hidden at the bottom of this aromatic drink, but also an anti-stress one. It turns out that coffee is a source of polyphenols, which act as antioxidants, protecting your body from stress. And this can reduce the risks of a number of diseases associated with the work of the heart, oncology and the prevention of the development of inflammatory processes. Let’s take a look at the main benefits of drinking black coffee together.

The effect of black coffee on brain activity

Scientists conducted a study and found that drinking black coffee leads to increased alertness and improved reaction speed after just 30 minutes. About 150 milligrams of caffeine found in black coffee also has a positive effect on overall brain health and improves mood.

Imagine, a 2021 study found that regular coffee consumption can mitigate cognitive decline and even reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Interestingly, this effect was more pronounced in men.

Improving heart health with coffee

Coffee is not only a source of energy, but also a friend of our hearts. Numerous studies point to the potential cardioprotective effect of regular coffee consumption. They found a direct link between coffee consumption and a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart failure. In addition, those who drink coffee regularly are less likely to develop risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Brewed coffee is good for the intestines

According to nutritionists, the ability of coffee to speed up the passage of food can be compared to the action of a stimulant laxative.

Worldwide research also shows that coffee can promote the development of “good bacteria” such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus while reducing potentially harmful bacteria such as Clostridium and Escherichia coli. In addition, this drink helps protect the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Caffeine also has a beneficial effect on the condition and function of the liver, stimulates physical activity. One cup of coffee before a workout can increase performance by 12%.

Benefits of coffee for metabolism and weight loss

According to experts, there is every reason to believe that coffee can influence the deposition of fat in cells, improve metabolism, and even contribute to the formation of a healthy gut microbiome. All of these factors are critical to maintaining a slim figure. Caffeine, an important compound found in coffee, plays a key role in this matter. Therefore, girls who control their weight may not be afraid to treat themselves to an invigorating drink, and do it with absolute benefit for their body.

Note that coffee made from natural beans with a high content of potassium and magnesium helps reduce the desire for sweets and promotes the breakdown of fats. We are sure that this news will attract the attention of those with a sweet tooth, who are already ready to replace a serving of sweets with a cup of an invigorating drink. This can be done in the line of Hotspot Coffee stores in Romania, where they prefer a quality grain drink. After all, ground grains have bright aromatic notes and contain many useful substances. Moreover, during the tasting process, you will be able to choose exactly your taste. You will be offered to buy it personally or order delivery directly to your home, to any corner of the country. At the same time, representatives of the HotspotCoffee network are kindly asked to remember that a safe daily dose of coffee for a healthy person is about 4 cups of 100 ml, which corresponds to 400 ml per day. In order not to disrupt a full-fledged healthy sleep, it is better to drink coffee 4-5 hours before you go to bed. It is also recommended not to drink your favorite drink on an empty stomach, it is better to do it immediately after a meal or after an hour and a half. During this time, you will have time to order the delivery of freshly ground coffee, which will definitely brighten up your breakfast.

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