What is the Role of a Home Tuition Agency in Singapore?

In the traditional sense, tutors or a home tuition agency act like a middleman between the tutor involved and parents or students. In the past, tutors were hired on a freelance basis, but today, a tuition agency handles hundreds of individual tutors. Each tutor handles specific subjects. The tuition agency may also take into consideration parents’ requests such as the gender of the tutor and even the style of teaching.

From the tutor’s point of view, they are no longer the ranging freelancers of yesteryear. They now register with a tuition agency and are given assignments by the agency based on their specialty and preferences like subjects, location, time, and rates. When a suitable match is set up between the student and tutor, the tuition agency will then coordinate the lesson times and tie up any loose ends that come up.

There are different ‘modern’ tuition agencies

Tuition agencies today cater to clients and tutors in different ways. The proliferation of different tuition agencies changes the way parents and students seek suitable tutors. Formerly ‘brick-and-mortar’ and freelance tutoring relying solely on phone calls is a historical relic fit for museums.

Today, tuition agencies cater to private home tutoring, online tutoring, and group classes.

Private home tutoring is pairing a suitable tutor with a student for one-to-one tutoring sessions held at the student’s home. The majority of parents like this tuition method because their child does not have to travel to another location from school and parents can monitor the tutoring sessions at home. Online tutoring is an option offered by some tuition agencies. A suitable tutor is also selected for the student, but all tutoring sessions are done using available virtual platforms. Some parents still prefer this tuition option as an extra precaution against the still ongoing pandemic.

Some tuition agencies offer group tuition classes. These are small classes, usually not more than 10 students, and held in a classroom at the tuition agency.

Of the three mentioned above, the most effective and proven tuition method with an excellent track record is the one-to-one private home tuition.

Engaging a home tuition agency

It is normal for parents and the tuition agency – after searching, screening, and calling potential tutors – to discover that after the first lesson, the child and the tutor are not suitable for each other. So they go through the entire process of searching again. Or perhaps the tutor may cancel after one lesson because the child is difficult.

This is why it is important that the home tuition agency acts as the single point of contact for parents and tutors. Most top-rated tuition agencies field an extensive list of tutors who are all well-managed and segmented. This makes the search process and suitable pairing more accurate and a lot faster. Parents can get a suitable tutor between one hour and 24 hours from the time of the request.

The cost of private tutors and home tuition

Most tuition agencies, especially the top-tier ones, do not charge any fees for tutor-student matching services.

You will know if a home tuition agency is high-quality and top-tier (such as FamilyTutor). They have a reasonable hourly rate for lessons and 100% price transparency. This means zero agency fees, zero GST, and no hidden costs or fees. For the parents’ money’s worth – and the improvement of the student – all tutors are carefully hand-picked and rigorously interviewed and vetted; tutors have outstanding qualifications, experience, and a proven track record. A top-tier home tuition agency provides parents with the highest protection against substandard tutors.

In terms of academic improvement, a top home tutoring service agency provides only improved academic results, and nothing else. It can even bring in results as early as within 4 months. Parents will also see a boost in their child’s self-confidence and learning enhancement.

Reliable Centre

As a home tuition agency, FamilyTutor is hailed as Singapore’s top home tuition brand. Our more-than-satisfied clients spend time leaving us with consistent 5-star ratings. Our clients also write detailed internet reviews for us. This certainly proves that we serve our clients well by providing the best-hired and most effective home tutors that produce better results for students. Don’t just take our word for it. FamilyTutor’s results speak for us because they come from our clients.

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