What is the new reality for migrants at the US southern border?

On Thursday 25 May at 19:30 GMT:
Earlier this month, when the Biden administration announced the end of the COVID-19 national emergency, the United States also saw the end of a controversial Trump-era public health regulation known as Title 42. It allowed the US government to hundreds of thousands of migrants crossing the US-Mexico border to seek asylum, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Refugee and migrant rights advocates were hopeful that the expiration of Title 42 would pave the way for more humane policies. But then the Biden administration quickly enacted strict new immigration rules to discourage people from entering the US.

Human rights groups have called the measures an outright “asylum ban,” with some Democratic Party representatives comparing them to Trump-era policies.

In this episode of The Stream, we explore what awaits vulnerable people at the US-Mexico border.

In this episode of The Stream we are joined by:
Paola Ariza, @WelcomeWDignity
Communications Strategist, #WelcomeWithDignity

Maribel Hernandez Rivera, @ACLU
Deputy National Political Director, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Patrice Lawrence, @UndocuBlack
Executive Director, UndocuBlack Network