What Is Photocatalytic Oxidation?

Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) is a highly-effective process that transforms harmful contaminants into harmless water, carbon dioxide, and residual matter. This innovative method is particularly advantageous for both water treatment and air purification, making it an ideal solution across a range of applications.

Our innovative technology effectively purifies air and water by breaking down harmful pollutants. It is widely acknowledged as the superior alternative to wet digestion of organic compounds. With our cutting-edge solution, we’re proud to contribute to a healthier planet for all.

PCO technology presents numerous benefits, including the minimal production of secondary pollutants, simplified operation, low energy usage, and remarkable efficiency.

How Photocatalytic Oxidation Operates?

PCO technology utilizes a powerful combination of UV light rays and specialized filters coated with titanium oxide, also known as titanium dioxide. The resulting photocatalytic process releases hydroxyl radicals and superoxide ions, both of which have a strong attraction to volatile organic compounds and airborne bacteria. These highly reactive electrons work together to purify the air and create a cleaner, safer environment.

Our reaction process enhances the breakdown of air pollutants, transforming them into harmless carbon dioxide and water molecules. This results in air that is more purified and ideal for circulating throughout your home. Breathe easy and enjoy a cleaner, healthier environment with our innovative technology.

During the oxidation process, harmful volatile organic compounds can bind to hydroxides and hydrogen radicals for removal. Additionally, ultraviolet light rays can destroy pollutants like bacteria and fungus by triggering a chemical reaction. These processes effectively eliminate harmful substances and improve indoor air quality.

Is Photocatalytic Oxidation A Safe Process?

Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) is an air purification technology that uses light energy to convert volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into harmless byproducts, such as carbon dioxide. It is safe for humans and pets and does not produce any additional ozone. PCO systems are designed to be used indoors, meaning that the air is purified within the room, instead of relying on outside air. 

Does The Process Of Photocatalytic Oxidation Produce Ozone?

With PCO technology, you can breathe easy knowing that harmful substances aren’t harming the ozone layer or being produced. By utilizing the power of nanoparticles, our photo catalytic oxidation technology effectively eliminates pathogens responsible for respiratory illnesses as well as airborne triggers for allergies and asthma, including molds, fungi, dust mites, and pet dander. 

Oxidation knows no bounds when it comes to pollutant size and properties. Its benefits extend to the decomposition of ozone beyond chemical composition, converting it into harmless water and carbon dioxide compounds.

Can Viruses Be Killed By Photocatalytic Oxidation?

Indeed, titanium oxide-coated materials have been scientifically validated in their ability to eliminate disease-causing microorganisms. The photo catalytic oxidation process not only targets hazardous volatile organic compounds, but also effectively eradicates molds, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, algae, and viruses.

With the increasing concern over health and environmental safety, the need for effective solutions to combat microbial and chemical contaminants has become more urgent than ever. Fortunately, recent research has shown that photo catalysis, an eco-friendly technology, is highly effective in inhibiting microbial activities. 

Specifically, titanium oxide formulation has been found to be particularly effective in combating microorganisms that are responsible for respiratory diseases. 

Is It Safe To Use PCO Air Purifiers?

Air cleaning appliances provide a viable solution to indoor air pollution. These devices are designed to eliminate pollutants, serving both portable and HVAC-based needs. One standout solution is the PCO air purifier, a powerful portable unit dedicated to thoroughly destroying indoor pollutants.

Inhaling ozone gas can lead to lung irritation and chronic respiratory conditions. However, air purifiers equipped with photo catalytic technology are a safe and effective solution as they do not emit ozone into your home’s air. Keep your lungs healthy and free from harmful glasses by opting for a photo catalytic air purifier.

Does Exposure To UV Light Create Ozone?

The wavelength of UV light matters in ozone production. Specifically, UV light between 160-240 nanometers is optimal for creating ozone from oxygen. During this process, the oxygen molecule is disrupted, forming valet oxygen atoms that subsequently combine with an individual oxygen molecule to produce ozone.

Through a complex process, oxygen molecules are disrupted and transformed into valet oxygen atoms. These atoms eventually combine with individual oxygen molecules, resulting in the formation of ozone. This crucial layer serves as a protective barrier against harmful UV wavelengths, preventing damage to DNA and reducing the risk of sunburns. 

The ozone layer serves a critical purpose in shielding us from harmful UV radiation, preventing DNA damage and sunburns, and promoting atmospheric oxygen preservation. Despite the potential dangers of ozone exposure to humans, properly designed UV air purifiers emit levels well below established safety guidelines. 

Furthermore, PCO air purifiers utilize a specific UV wavelength to effectively destroy germs without producing ozone. Even the personal air purifiers like shield aer can clean your indoor air quality up to 250 sq feet. 

Is Ionized Air Beneficial For Your Health?

Ionization is essential for generating beneficial negative ions that support respiratory health and promote overall well-being. Additionally, it improves the quality of indoor air by creating an environment safe for inhalation.

Experience fresher, cleaner air with the help of air ionizers. Remove dust, pet dander, allergens, mold spores, and airborne bacteria with ease. Additionally, ionized air can help minimize the risk of respiratory issues over time. Protect your health and breathe easy with this innovative solution.

While ionization of the air can be effective in removing certain airborne contaminants, it may not work for all. That’s where PCO comes in as a reliable option for all your air purification needs and concerns. These devices have a proven track record of eliminating most types and sizes of pollutants, leaving you with cleaner, healthier air.

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