What Is MAC Address Lookup & How Do You Find out Someone’s

You may wonder, “What is a MAC address?” before beginning your MAC Address lookup. The Media Access Control address, or MAC address, is a series of digits identifying a network device. It’s a label used for talks on the data link layer of a certain network connection. MAC addresses are network identifiers in most IEEE 802 networking protocols, such as Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Therefore, MAC addresses will be identifiers in the medium access control protocol’s lower tiers.

One network node may have many network interface controllers (NICs), each with its own individual media access control (MAC) address. Complex networking hardware like routers and multilayer switches may need many fixed MAC addresses.

MAC addresses are assigned by the NIC’s manufacturer and are kept in the NIC’s hardware, such as the card’s read-only memory or other firmware. In this case, the MAC address may be referred to as the “burned-in address” since it contains the manufacturer’s serial number (BIA).

Why use a MAC address lookup tool?

Finding MAC addresses or vendor databases is a breeze with a MAC address lookup service. All of the devices’ MAC addresses may be found in this spreadsheet. Based on these results, we can identify the device’s prefix and postfix, as well as its manufacturer, from the device’s MAC address. Additionally, MAC addresses provide the nation of origin for the device. Information becomes useful, and the MAC address may be checked against the original vendor’s database.

The relationship between MAC and IP addresses and how they operate

You may think of a device’s MAC address as its media access control or physical address. In contrast, an IP address is a unique number that can be used anywhere on the internet to identify a specific computer or electronic equipment. Searching what my IP on the internet will display your device IP.

Data sent across a network needs a MAC and IP address to reach its destination. While MAC and IP addresses differ in many ways, they are not entirely independent of one another. The ARP protocol is the glue that holds them together. On a local area network, this protocol operates between Layers 2 and 3. (LAN). It translates between IPv4 addresses and the media access control (MAC) addresses used by network devices.

The procedure is as follows: Something on the local network wants to talk to something else on the local network. It creates an IP packet containing its request, complete with its IP address as the source and the target. The IP datagram is subsequently enclosed within an Ethernet frame. The frame also includes the MAC addresses of the device sending and receiving the data.

However, there are situations in which the MAC address of the target device is unknown.

Which information may be revealed by looking up a MAC address?

A media access control address, or MAC address, is a numeric identifier given to each network interface device in a computer system (NICs). A MAC address is often referred to as a physical or hardware address. It is used for passing information between devices on the same network segment and reveals the hardware vendor.

How many MAC addresses does a computer have?

Most desktop computers only have one MAC address, and that’s for the wired network card; most laptops, on the other hand, should have two MAC addresses, one for the wireless network card and one for the hooked network card.

Does my MAC address make me exposed to track?

You can be located and tracked by another user if you both use the same Internet service provider. IP addresses are publicly broadcast by networks, making it possible to track down your machine.

When two devices have the same MAC address, what happens?

Every device on a network must have a unique MAC address. If it does happen, the local network will get confused about which device should receive the packet, resulting in communication issues for both devices.

Can I safely give out my Wi-Fi MAC address to a friend?

When using a public Wi-Fi network, sharing a MAC address poses no risk unless malicious malware is installed. Worse, it might compromise the safety of your computer or other electronic equipment. That means that any malicious software might cause your gadget to malfunction.

Does every device have a MAC address?

A different MAC address is assigned to each piece of hardware on your network. If your computer has more than one network device (say, an Ethernet adapter and a wireless adapter), each has its unique MAC address. Knowing a device’s MAC address allows you to disable or enable network access for that device.


MAC Address lookup is a great way to identify what device or computer is connecting to your network. If you’re having trouble with a particular device connected to your network, MAC address lookup can help you track down the culprit. Additionally, if you are administrating a network and need to know which devices connect to it, MAC lookup can be very helpful in identifying those devices.

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