What Is Lab-Grown Meat and Why You Need to Try It?

When online casinos like https://icecasino.com/de are about to launch, there’s a lot of hype surrounding them. Players expect these sites to have the same familiar offerings as their counterparts, yet they want to find something new. The same applies to lab-grown meat.

Many companies are working towards this novel concept with the aim of preventing millions of livestock from being slaughtered each year. If you’re curious to learn about this meat alternative before it hits supermarkets, you’re on the right page. Keep reading as we’ll walk you through the meaning of lab-grown meat and why you should try it.

An Overview of Lab-Grown Meat

As the name implies, lab-grown meat, also known as cultivated meat or cell-based meat, is meat made in a lab. Scientists aim to produce it by cultivating animal cells in large-scale bioreactors, which replicate the cell environment that promotes growth within an animal. These include the animal’s physiological conditions like oxygen levels, PH levels, and temperature.

Why You Should Try Lab-Grown Meat

There are several reasons why this alternative to actual meat is great. These include:

  • Improved human health
  • Contributes positively to the environment
  • Lab-grown meat will be cheaper
  • Gives room for the creation of new meat flavors
  • Better availability 
  • Consistency in the meat quality
  • Animals suffer less

Improved Human Health

One of the significant problems humans face is resistance to antibiotics, and eating conventional meat contributes to it. That’s because animals take massive doses of antibiotics in order to treat or prevent illnesses. When people eat these, they also consume leftovers of those drugs. While this might be harmless, it causes your body to develop resistance to antibiotics. 

Lab-grown meat doesn’t need such medication. So consuming it doesn’t put you at risk of becoming antibiotic resistant. Plus, diseases like COVID-19 that spread from animals can be avoided with this alternative.

Contributes Positively to the Environment

About 14.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions come from the livestock sector, making it a substantial contributor to climate change. According to Future Meat, about 30% of the world’s freshwater and 80% of the world’s arable land are used for animal agriculture. The same firm also asserts that its lab-grown meat reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 80%, requires 99% less land, and necessitates 96% less freshwater. 

The European Environment Agency had similar findings to those of Future Meat. In other words, this alternative will contribute positively to the environment. It reduces greenhouse emissions, making the earth generally safer and preventing the harsh effects of climate change. 

Lab-Grown Meat Will Be Cheaper

When lab-grown meat first becomes widespread, it’ll obviously be more expensive than farm-grown options. However, as with any innovation, scientists will create better and more cost-effective ways to produce meat. As such, the overall cost will decrease over time. This will make it a budget-friendly option for people from all walks of life. 

Gives Room for The Creation of New Meat Flavors

One peculiar benefit of laboratory-grown meat is that we can use cells from any animal to create whatever we desire. Vow Food, a company that produces cultured meat claims that there are two million species suitable for human consumption. However, only four animals account for nearly 80% of the meat we eat. 

IntegriCulture, another producer of cultivated meat, enjoys coming up with novel experiments. The company boasts that it can create a new steak by combining other kinds of meat, like lobster, chicken, and beef. Therefore, expect to find unique meat flavors in the future. 

Better Availability 

Some companies, like Meatable, claim that their lab-grown options take only a few weeks to create. Whereas livestock like pigs and cows must live up to a few years to be considered for slaughter. If meat is created in such a short period, there’ll rarely be a shortage. 

Consistency In the Meat Quality

Another reason why you should try cultivated meat is its consistency in terms of quality. Chickens, cows, goats, and other animals are subject to different conditions. Some are raised in closed spaces, while others are left to wander and fend for themselves. 

The conditions under which they develop affect the meat’s quality. A piece of goat meat, for instance, could be tender, while another piece could be tougher. With lab-grown meat, the quality remains constant, even though there will be varieties to pick from. 

Animals Suffer Less

If you’re sympathetic towards livestock, then lab-grown options will appeal to you. The process of cultivating meat doesn’t involve slaughtering any animals; all that’s needed are the animal’s cells. However, note that this is not a vegetarian option as it’s still an animal product. 


Scientists keep coming up with new ways to promote healthy lifestyles and protect the earth. Lab-grown meat is an effort to achieve these objectives. It’s not only healthy to consume but will also come at a lower price than farm-grown meat.