What is kinkeeping? TikToker goes viral after talking about the concept


Are YOU suffering from ‘family’ stress? The theory about the cost of the ‘invisible’ emotional burden that falls on women in families, while men ‘put their feet up’, revolutionizes the Internet

  • A 19-year-old college student learned about the issue in her women and gender classes.
  • She explained that it has been on her mind as it is the “root of stress in most women’s lives.”
  • He shared the concept on TikTok under the name @thought_dumpy
  • So far, his video has been viewed more than 4.4 million times.
  • Thousands of viewers have thanked him for speaking out about the phenomenon.







A college student has gone viral after discussing the concept of kinship, which she says is the art of “women who do everything but blend in.”

The 19-year-old creator, known as @thought_dumpyreveals in a post that she learned about the issue in her women’s and gender studies classes, and it’s been on her mind “24/7,” as it’s the “root of stress in most women’s lives.”

To explain the concept, he compares it to a stage production where all the actors and actresses are the ‘men’ who get all the praise, while the backstage crew or ‘women’ are the ones who don’t get the thanks for his hard work. work behind the scenes.

Elaborating on the subject further, she continues: ‘Women are the people who fly under the radar during the holidays.

There’s a lot to cook, clean, plan and organize, but a lot goes unnoticed because the whole role of this job is to be invisible and act and act conveniently for everyone… to put on a show.

TikTok creator known as @thought_dumpy, 19, reveals in a post that she learned about the topic in her gender and women's studies classes

The social media user acknowledges that men can be relatives too, but they are not so silent about it.

The social media user acknowledges that men can be relatives too, but they are not so silent about it.

The 19-year-old TikTok creator known as @thought_dumpy reveals in a post that she learned about parenting in her women’s and gender studies classes.

The ‘invisible’ emotional charge at the root of women’s stress: What IS kinship?

Dr. Dawn O. Braithwaite explains in psychology today that relatives are ‘family members who help enable and assist family communication’.

These people “plan family reunions or help the family stay in touch by providing updates on things like graduations, the birth of a baby, or publicizing support needs if a family member becomes unemployed or has surgery.”

Braithwaite says that to this day, the relatives are still mostly women. The first study on relatives in 1996 revealed that 85 per cent were women, mostly mothers, aunts and grandmothers, between the ages of 40 and 69. This role was later passed on to the younger members of the family.

While she says there are benefits to being a relative, the role also has drawbacks, such as “financial or time commitments and emotional demands.”

Meanwhile, he says the men can be seen “sitting at the table, talking, laughing and telling stories… relaxing with their feet up not knowing what time it all starts.”

So far, the creator’s video has been viewed more than 4.4 million times, with thousands of viewers thanking her for speaking out about the phenomenon.

‘Wow! this is sooooo [sic] true. Creating that magic is always mom’s job. Thank you for educating us!’ one person said.

Excellent expression! This screamed in my soul. This is soooo (sic) accurate and sad at the same time,’ added another.

Some women revealed that it is not so one-sided in their homes, but they appreciated the creator’s insights.

‘This was very interesting. I feel so lucky that my husband shares the burden with me. And I shouldn’t feel lucky. It should be the norm,” mused a third TikTok user.

But some accused the teenager of not knowing what she was talking about.

I think you are making radical statements. Not all men are like this, I don’t see it as typical behavior showing off your efforts. Not all women stay hidden. Maybe the men in my life are just better people? What you’re describing is far from my normal life,’ someone else said.

In response, the TikToker said: ‘I’ve never had a boyfriend either, but I notice it a lot in my friends’ boyfriends or the grown men in my life. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons I haven’t dated.

She added: ‘It’s not my life either. I am literally 19 years old and have no children. It’s what I learned in my gender and women’s studies class. [and] is endorsed by others.

In a follow-up video, the TikToker acknowledges that sometimes men take on “family upkeep,” but “they don’t usually do it as invisibly as women are taught to do.”

The TikToker says: 'I have never had a boyfriend either, but I realize [kinkeeping] both in the boyfriends of my friends or in the adult men in my life'

The TikToker says: 'I have never had a boyfriend either, but I realize [kinkeeping] both in the boyfriends of my friends or in the adult men in my life'

1672854249 687 What is kinkeeping TikToker goes viral after talking about the

1672854249 687 What is kinkeeping TikToker goes viral after talking about the

The TikToker says: ‘I have never had a boyfriend either, but I realize [kinkeeping] both in the boyfriends of my friends or in the adult men in my life’

Offering an example, she says: ‘[When] my uncle puts the buns on the table, he usually says, “I made these buns this morning.”

‘[Men] I love showing off and women just wouldn’t do that because they’re so obsessed with the fact that it has to be hidden.

When asked if there is anything that can be done to help the women in the family, the creator concludes: ‘My solution is to start talking about it. Show her husband this video.

‘And it’s not only important to educate our daughters about this, but also our sons [too]… tell them dates and times, help them memorize birthdays… and as women, don’t be afraid to get what you deserve.’

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