What impact does the fighting in Sudan have on Libya?

It is feared that the conflict could disrupt the precarious situation at the border.

The conflict in Sudan has entered its third week, despite the warring factions agreeing on a ceasefire.

The rival generals play the blame game, accusing each other of attacking civilian neighborhoods, hospitals and people trying to leave the country.

Ceasefire after ceasefire collapsed.

Analysts fear that powerful regional players are involved behind the scenes and are deliberately prolonging the violence.

Some draw parallels with the situation in neighboring Libya.

Is Sudan moving in the same direction?

Presenter: Tom MacRae


Benoit Faucon – Middle East Correspondent, Wall Street Journal

Hamid Khalafallah – Non-Resident Fellow, Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy

Jason Pack – Senior analyst, NATO Defense College Foundation and author of Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder

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