What does the solar eclipse mean for YOUR star sign? Astrologer reveals what to expect as ‘rare ring of fire’ lights up the sky tonight

Millions of people will see a celestial wonder on Saturday, when the moon positions itself between the Earth and the sun, creating a “Ring of Fire” in the sky.

This year’s annular solar eclipse will pass along a path 125 miles long from Oregon THE Brazil.

Approximately eight US states will be in the path of the Ring of Fire: Oregon, Arizona, UtahNew Mexico AND TEXAS.

In general, a total solar eclipse is visible every 400 years from any single location, however, partial eclipses are significantly more common.

The UK’s last total solar eclipse occurred on 11 August 1999 and could be seen over parts of Cornwall and Devon while other parts of the UK experienced a partial eclipse.

The Ring of Fire occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun at a time when the moon is at or near its furthest point from our planet.

The Ring of Fire occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the sun at a time when the moon is at or near its furthest point from our planet.

Speaking of Today astrologer Lisa Stardust said: “This eclipse is in the sign of Libra and in line with the South Node of Destiny, so we can shed old perspectives and bring in new ones – especially in relationships.

“Finding balance is essential and we can argue with others to regain it. Be careful not to pick a fight, because emotions are delicate and this can lead to a bigger dispute.’

So what does it mean for your star sign? Here FEMAIL explains all…


Aries will ‘harness the power’ and be a ‘team player’ according to him Vogue.

“Shifting the focus to how you create better through support and collaboration may be the breakthrough you may have been striving for,” the magazine advises.

“Finances are likely to get a boost in the next couple of months if you remember that when everyone creates together, there’s more for everyone to enjoy.”


Taurus should remember that a ‘happy home life’ is the key to ‘personal happiness’, according to Vogue.

This means that those born in late April and early May don’t need to be martyrs, but can have a ‘grounded approach’ to things.


Gemini needs to ‘break the cycle’ of things that are ‘not working’ for them Cosmo.

‘The universe is calling you to evolve and let go of fruitless patterns. Life can be a winning game,” says the magazine.


Cancer is preparing to embrace deeply personal changes during the solar eclipse, according to Seduce.

“You may be ready to move to a new place, welcome a new family member or simply redesign your living space. It may even indicate that you are ready to leave your hometown behind and move to a city for an exciting new opportunity!

“However, as you leave your nest behind and jump into the unknown, it’s important to remember that it may take time for your new life to take root,” they add.


Leo needs a mental reboot, according to Cosmo.

“Old beliefs from your youth may have served you once, but as we approach the New Moon solar eclipse in Libra, it’s time to discard those outdated mantras.

Breaking your fingers isn’t the end of the world, nor is swallowing a piece of gum. Dig deep into your self-talk; Negativity may be more widespread than you think,” they added.


It’s all happening for Virgos, according to Vogue.

Dive deep to make a lasting change for the better. You are entering a cycle that is paying off karmic debts and pushing you to expand your perspective a little more. Whatever you leave, let it. What goes in, let it be.

This year's annular solar eclipse will pass along a 125-mile-long path from Oregon to Brazil

This year’s annular solar eclipse will pass along a 125-mile-long path from Oregon to Brazil

Experts warn that looking directly into the bright sun is unsafe without specialized eye protection designed for solar viewing, risking eye damage.

Experts warn that looking directly into the bright sun is unsafe without specialized eye protection designed for solar viewing, risking eye damage.


According to Seduce.

“You have outgrown your current circumstances and are ready to try something new; something much more appropriate for the person you are becoming,” says the magazine.


Elusive and mysterious, Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac, according to Allure.

“Scorpio derives its extraordinary courage from its psychic abilities, which makes this sign one of the most complex and dynamic signs of the zodiac,” says the magazine.


The fiery eclipse will interfere with Sagittarius’ decision-making processes, according to Woman and Home.

“Perhaps impulsive moves are best left for mid-May, when Jupiter has moved into risk-averse Taurus.”

What is an annular eclipse and how does the amazing display happen?

Diagram of an annular eclipse

Diagram of an annular eclipse

A spectacular eclipse is when a ‘burning ring’ appears in Earth’s sky.

This occurs when the Earth, Sun, and Moon line up as the Moon is at its furthest point from Earth in its orbit.

This means it is unable to completely obscure the Sun, causing a ‘burning ring’ to appear in the sky.

This is shown in part B of the diagram on the left.

The spectacular light display occurs every six months or so, but has not been visible from the UK since 2003.

The next time Britons will be able to see it will be on June 10, 2021, when it will be visible across the country.

Source: NASA


Capricorn feels like they aren’t getting enough recognition at work, according to CBC.

“If you are single, use this moment to go out on dates, meet new people and flirt.

“Those in relationships can benefit from investing more individual time with their partners. Designating a weekly date night can help keep your flame burning,” the paper says.


Aquarius is looking to learn and come up with new ideas — fueling their thirst for knowledge, according to the CBC.

“If your life is getting too hectic, you may need to let go of some work responsibilities or passion projects. Advance your personal needs to lay the foundation for true success’.


Known for their sensitivity and compassion, Pisces can expect this solar eclipse to deepen emotional bonds and increase empathy for others, according to Times of India.

“It’s a perfect time to nurture your relationships and offer support and understanding to your loved ones. By doing so, you can strengthen the bonds that matter most, making them even more meaningful and warm.’

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