What are the new changes to the map and weapon loot pool in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2?
Fortnite‘S Chapter 5 Season 2 is called “Myths and Mortals”, and is full of gods and prominent figures from Greek mythology. The island has also been given points of interest based on these myths.
It’s no surprise that you’ll see the likes of Zeus, Cerberus, and Artemis roaming the island (and you can unlock them as skins through the Battle Pass). There are a number of other things happening on the island, including an updated loot pool with myths specifically from these NPCs.
Below we explain the changes to the map and loot pool Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2.
Fortnite map changes for the Chapter 5 Season 2 update
The map has been updated to include numerous locations from Greek mythology, including the Underworld, Mount Olympus, and the Brawler Battlefield (home to Fortnite‘s portrayal of Ares). You can view the full map below:
Image: Epic Games via Polygon
Fortnite weapon loot pool for the Chapter 5 Season 2 update

Image: Epic Games
These weapons will no longer be available for the new season:
- Midas’ drum gun
- Drum gun
- Hand cannon
- Impulse grenade
- Big splash
These are also new items added for Chapter 5 Season 2:
- Ares’ Warforged assault rifle
- Warforged assault rifle
- Drum Gun (epic and legendary)
- DMR of Zeus’ Huntress
- Hunter DMR
- Cerberus’ Gatekeeper Rifle
- Gatekeeper shotgun
- Hades’ harbinger SMG
- Harbinger SMG
- Thunderbolt of Zeus
- Wings of Icarus
- Shield Bubble Jr.
Some of the weapons in the list above will only disappear when you battle the boss in question. For example, you get the mythical Warforged Assault Rifle from Ares when you take out Ares. These bosses also seem to drop medallions, just like last season.
What’s vaulted in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2?
- Attacker AR
- Enforcement Officer AR
- Hyper SMG
- Thunder Burst SMG
- Ballistic shield
- Lock on gun
- Gripper knife
- Anvil rocket launcher
- EMP Stealth Camouflage
- Cardboard box
- Crashpad Jr.
- Banana
In addition to the above, the special weapons dropped by bosses (such as Montague’s Nemesis AR) have been vaulted, as they are no longer the recommended bosses. These versions of boss medallions are also vaulted, but as mentioned above, there are now new versions of boss medallions to match the theme of the season.