What a vile April Fools! JK Rowling could now face jail for ‘misgendering’ a male rapist… Biden stumbles with a trans Easter insult… and sports lunacy prevails! MAUREEN CALLAHAN rages: When WILL the gender insanity end?

The end of Women’s History Month coincides with April Fool’s Day – fitting, as we biological women remain sacrificial fools at the altar of all things trans.

Scotland’s new ‘hate crime’ law came into force on Monday. It criminalizes “threatening or offensive behavior” related to age, religion, sexual orientation, disability and transgender identity.

Unfortunately, women don’t judge.

Know what it does? Approaching a trans person incorrectly, which can now result in an offender being sent to prison.

And it seems JK Rowling would like to be the first to be prosecuted.

‘Arrest me!’ she tweeted, furious that a convicted double rapist – who Rowling joked was a “beautiful Scottish girl” – and a convicted pedophile would be protected under this new law.

That violent rapist, Adam Graham, changed gender while awaiting trial for assaulting two women, one in 2016 and one in 2019.

Graham’s estranged wife Shonna said her husband had never expressed gender identity issues nor a desire to be a woman, further claiming that Graham raped and stabbed her while they were married.

Scotland’s new hate crime law came into force on Monday. And it seems like JK Rowling would like to be the first to be prosecuted.

A violent rapist named Adam Graham changed gender while awaiting trial for assaulting two women, one in 2016 and one in 2019.

Graham's estranged wife Shonna said her husband had never expressed gender identity issues nor a desire to be a woman, further claiming that Graham raped and stabbed her while they were married.

A violent rapist named Adam Graham (pictured) changed gender while awaiting trial for assaulting two women, one in 2016 and one in 2019. Graham’s estranged wife Shonna said her husband had never expressed gender identity issues nor had the desire to be a woman. and further alleged that Graham raped and stabbed her while they were married.

“The way I see it,” Shonna said, “he’s a man, he committed the crime as a man… he should be doing a man’s time in prison.”

Initially, Graham, who now goes by the name Isla Bryson, was housed in a women’s institution. That decision was rightly met with outrage.

“It cannot be right for a rapist to be in a women’s prison,” said Sandy Brindley, the chief executive of Rape Crisis Scotland. Bryson was eventually transferred to a men’s prison.

Katie Dolatowski is the transgender pedophile in question.

Dolatowski was 6 feet tall and was born a boy named Lennon. He was 18 years old when he was arrested for assaulting a 10-year-old girl in a supermarket restroom, ordering the child to take off her pants.

Dolatowski then threatened to stab the child and kill her mother – and this was just a month after Dolatowski was caught filming another 12-year-old girl in a bathroom.

“He needs to be locked up,” Dolatowski’s father Simon told the Sun. “These are terrible offences… I washed my hands of him a long time ago.”

But in Scotland’s new upside-down system, Simon Dolatowski could be arrested for the ‘crime’ of misgendering his own child.

JK Rowling – same thing.

The author also took a much-needed swipe at Beth Douglas, a trans activist who has threatened to behead biological women who oppose trans orthodoxy.

Douglas is protected under this new law. The biological women she loathes and targets – well, they’re not us.

And Western culture wonders why women’s anger persists.

We now live in an era where nomenclature is replacing crime, where the thoughts and feelings of the perpetrator are taking precedence over female victims.

When President Biden mispronounced Laken Riley’s name during his State of the Union address, he quickly corrected himself — not because he had, however unintentionally, mangled the name of the 22-year-old nursing student who was so brutally beaten and sexually assaulted. abused by a migrant that her skull was deformed, but because he had called the perpetrator an illegal immigrant.

“I shouldn’t have used ‘illegal,’” Biden told MSNBC. ‘It’s “undocumented”.’

That’s our president, always a supplicant for the far left. Forget the promising life of a young woman violently kidnapped at random by someone who has no business being here – let’s be careful to refer to this criminal, this waste of space, in more polite terms.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It’s things like this that turn off the average American. It’s things like this that will get Trump elected.

Easter Sunday wasn’t just Easter Sunday this year; it coincided with Trans Visibility Day, which gave Trump ample ammunition for the culture war.

Katie Dolatowski was 6 feet tall and born a boy named Lennon.  She was 18 years old when she was arrested for assaulting a 10-year-old girl in a supermarket restroom, ordering the child to take off her pants.

Dolatowski then threatened to stab the child and kill her mother – and this was just a month after Dolatowski was caught filming another 12-year-old girl in a bathroom.

Katie Dolatowski was 6 feet tall and born a boy named Lennon. She was 18 years old when she was arrested for assaulting a 10-year-old girl in a supermarket restroom, ordering the child to take off her pants.

Easter Sunday wasn't just Easter Sunday this year;  it coincided with Trans Visibility Day, which gave Trump ample ammunition for the culture war.

Easter Sunday wasn’t just Easter Sunday this year; it coincided with Trans Visibility Day, which gave Trump ample ammunition for the culture war.

That the Biden administration had to ban a trans activist from future events after he went topless on the White House lawn last summer says it all: for the trans Orthodox cohort, common sense and respect for others do not apply.

American women have had enough.

Just a few weeks ago, sixteen current and former female college athletes, including Riley Gaines, filed suit against the NCAA for violating Title IX — designed to protect female athletes — and allowing Lia Thomas, born male , to compete in the 2022 women’s national swimming championships.

Thomas is 6 feet tall, has a wingspan of over 6 feet wide and has much greater muscle mass, bone density and lung capacity than biological females.

Gaines has said that Thomas’ genitals were often visible in the locker room and that some female swimmers changed in the janitor’s closet for privacy reasons.

But women are paralyzed into thinking we are the problem. Those who dare to speak out are still in the minority.

Former British Olympian Sharron Davies tweeted against trans runner CeCe Telfer after footage circulated online this weekend showing Telfer warming up against much shorter and much less muscular female competitors.

“Find the male athlete in the women’s race!” Davis wrote. “It’s just cheating.”

One hopes that local, state and federal officials, along with sports governing bodies, will take a cue from Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, who signed an executive order in February protecting girls and women from competing against trans athletes.

Its existence “stops the bullying of women and girls by transgender men, who have many opportunities to compete, without endangering women’s safety,” Blakeman tweeted.

No less a turncoat than Letitia James, the first female elected attorney general of New York, intervened, calling Blakeman’s actions “discriminatory.”

Olympian Sharron Davies tweeted against trans runner CeCe Telfer after footage circulated online this weekend showing Telfer warming up against much shorter and much less muscular female competitors.  “Find the male athlete in the women's race!”  Davis wrote.

Olympian Sharron Davies tweeted against trans runner CeCe Telfer after footage circulated online this weekend showing Telfer warming up against much shorter and much less muscular female competitors. “Find the male athlete in the women’s race!” Davis wrote.

Such knee-jerk demonization epitomizes the liberal rot.

When a female pioneer does not stand up for her fellow girls and women – happily throwing their hard work and sacrifice on the pyre of so-called political correctness – we have reached a new low.

Even the New York Times has begun to reconsider its own hard-line stance, publishing a lengthy piece in February casting doubt on the medicalization of gender transitions in children and teens — a practice that many European countries have curtailed, if not abandoned.

Yet the world’s most famous female author could face jail time for misrepresenting a rapist and a pedophile. What would our suffragists have made of such madness?