West Ham’s US seven-a-side tournament players take the knee in solidarity with Frank Nouble

West Ham’s US seven-a-side tournament players kneel in solidarity with Frank Nouble after the former Hammers striker was called ‘the n-word’ by a Dallas United player

West Ham players knelt in solidarity with Frank Nouble just before kick-off against Culture by Mo Ali FC after alleged racist abuse.

The Irons’ game against Dallas United on Thursday was suspended after a player from US team Nouble allegedly called the n-word, prompting a furious backlash from fellow West Ham veteran Ferdinand and marring the inaugural event in North Carolina .

Footage surfaced on social media of the ex-Hammers, QPR and Sunderland defender appearing visibly furious, saying to an opponent: ‘Why are you looking at me like that? I’ll beat you up.’

In another, he plainly says to an opposing player, “I’m here to set a precedent now,” shortly before leaving his team off the field.

Mo Ali FC’s match of seven against Culture went ahead as scheduled despite doubts about the team’s participation.

West Ham players including Carlton Cole (L) took the knee in solidarity with Frank Nouble

The seven-a-side team came into action against Culture by Mo Ali FC just before kick-off

The side, featuring ex-West Ham players such as Anton Ferdinand, Carlton Cole and Marlon Harewood, knelt alongside their opponents in second before the game got underway.

West Ham won 4-3 with former midfielder Luis Boa Morte scoring the all-important winning goal.

Due to their loss in their first game vs. Far East United, the Hammers will not progress to the knockout stages as the Dallas match was ruled abandoned – no forfeit – and West Ham have zero points going into the third and final game.

Dallas withdrew from the tournament on Friday, insisting the decision was their own, despite reports elsewhere that they had been disqualified.

In the wake of the shocking incident, tournament organizers said: ‘After investigating the final moments of the match between West Ham United and Dallas United, we have concluded that Dallas United has breached TST’s code of conduct.

“We have been in talks with the management of both clubs and we all agree that the best way forward is for Dallas United to withdraw from the competition.

All parties involved want to make a united statement against racial insensitivity.

“We aim to run an event where not only is the stakes huge for all participants, but also one where all participants feel safe and protected.

“As a result, Friday’s game between Dallas United and Far East United has been cancelled.”

West Ham United’s match against Dallas United at The Soccer Tournament was suspended after a player allegedly called Frank Nouble the n-word, sparking a furious racism row

Ferdinand appeared to be telling opponents that he wanted to “set a precedent” by walking down the field

West Ham released a statement on Friday saying: ‘At the North Carolina TST, a member of the West Ham United team heard a racist term directed at them by an opposing player in the game against Dallas United.

“Due to the lack of action on the pitch, the players collectively decided to walk off the pitch as a team in support of our player.

As a club, everyone at West Ham United stands shoulder to shoulder in solidarity against all forms of discrimination and abuse.

“After the match, we welcome the decisive action taken by the TST organizers to deal with the situation and would like to thank all the event teams who reached out directly to offer us their support.”

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