We’re CAMPING in Antarctica – here are the things we do and don’t do while we are living here

A pair of scientists stationed in Antarctica have opened up about the realities of daily life in the continent's unforgiving climate.

The two scientists, Austin Carter and Julie, took to TikTok to share five things they “can and can't do while living in a remote field camp in Antarctica.”

The duo camps at McMurdo Station, originally established in 1955, for almost two more months while they research ancient ice samples: “The ice here is over a million years old and we are very interested in studying the climate from the past,” Austin explained.

'We can't shower while we're here. There's no running water,” Julie began.

Scientists Austin Carter and Julie used TikTok to share what life is like camping in Antarctica

The duo is on a research expedition along with a team of scientists, collecting ancient ice samples to discover information about climate trends

The duo is on a research expedition along with a team of scientists, collecting ancient ice samples to discover information about climate trends

For drinking water, she further explained, “we actually boil the ice we live on.”

Second, Austin emphasized that it's entirely possible to go outside when the weather is below freezing, just with “lots of layers.”

That was the coldest recorded temperature in Antarctica – and the lowest ever recorded anywhere on Earth almost -194 Fahrenheit. The coldest weather ever was measured at Vostok station in 1983.

Third, “We can't see the sunset while we're here,” Julie said.

'Due to the tilt of the Earth's axis, and because we are very far south and it is summer here, the sun is in the sky 24/7.

'So it's very bright all the time!'

Austin added that it was “almost midnight” when they shot the video – although the lighting looked more like noon than most other places on the planet.

Fourth, where they've set up base camp, “they can't actually see any wildlife here,” Austin said.

There is no running water – which means no shower, Julie said.  But they boil the ice that is in the landscape for drinking water

There is no running water – which means no shower, Julie said. But they boil the ice that is in the landscape for drinking water

Austin said they are prepared to go outside in freezing temperatures

Austin said they are prepared to go outside in freezing temperatures

Because of where they are on Earth, the sun never sets, Julie said

Because of where they are on Earth, the sun never sets, Julie said

Although most of the wildlife lives toward the coastline — while Austin and Julie stayed inland — Austin said they will occasionally see the quirky bird.

Although most of the wildlife lives toward the coastline — while Austin and Julie stayed inland — Austin said they will occasionally see the quirky bird.

Julie added that they essentially live in a 'freezer', making storing food outside quite feasible

Julie added that they essentially live in a 'freezer', making storing food outside quite feasible

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1702977752 324 Were CAMPING in Antarctica here are the things we

1702977754 415 Were CAMPING in Antarctica here are the things we

1702977756 856 Were CAMPING in Antarctica here are the things we

Thousands of commenters offered a wide variety of responses to the scientists' video

Thousands of commenters offered a wide variety of responses to the scientists' video

They set up camp further inland, Austin explained, “and most of the animals live along the coast.

“Every now and then we see a bird, and that's quite exciting,” he added.

Fifth: Nature works well as a 'freezer' when it comes to general food storage.

“There are no bugs or predators, and we basically live in a freezer,” Julie said.

Viewers shared their many reactions to the video, which has racked up nearly two million likes in three days, through more than 10,000 comments.

“Honestly, life in Antarctica might be worth it if I never have to see a spider again,” one wrote, while another echoed: “You sold me on no bugs.”

“Is there any advertising for Shen Yun?” someone joked about the ubiquitous marketing for the US-based dance company with Chinese roots.

“I'd go crazy if I didn't shower for 50 days,” said one hygiene watcher.

'Wow!! That's so neat! What is the living situation? Is it at least cozy inside?' someone wondered.

Austin responded sweetly, “Thanks for watching! We sleep and eat in tents, and there is a stove for warmth. But it's the people who make it fun.'