Welcome to the Polemart! In the world's southernmost store in Antarctica, which is only open for THREE HOURS a week in winter

  • Josiah Horneman lived at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica
  • In one of his TikToks he takes people to the base's only supermarket
  • One of the more luxurious items for sale is a waffle textured bathrobe



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Bathrobes, souvenir patches and rationed amounts of alcohol: these are just some of the things the world's southernmost supermarket has to offer.

Josiah Horneman, 37, spent eight months as a medic at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica and in one of the his TikTokshe takes people to the base's only supermarket.

In the comments section he explains that 'Polemart' is only open for an hour three times a week because 'only 39 people' live at the station.

As he pans the camera around, he points out a number of things for sale, including “clothing, candy, souvenirs, lots of postcards” and “a whole shelf of soft drinks.”

Josiah Horneman, 37, spent eight months as a medic at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica

In one of his TikTok videos, he takes people to the base's only supermarket

In one of his TikTok videos, he takes people to the base's only supermarket

Josiah Horneman lived as a medic at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica for eight months and in one of his TikTok videos he takes people to the base's supermarket

In the comments section, he explains that 'Polemart' is only open for an hour three times a week because 'only 39 people' live at the station.

In the comments section, he explains that 'Polemart' is only open for an hour three times a week because 'only 39 people' live at the station.

1704558146 499 Welcome to the Polemart In the world39s southernmost store in

1704558146 499 Welcome to the Polemart In the world39s southernmost store in

In the comments section he explains that 'Polemart' is only open for an hour three times a week because 'only 39 people' live at the station.

As he continues his tour, he says, “Of course we also have some shelves of alcohol.

“It's available but rationed so it stays at a reasonable level.”

One of the more luxurious items for sale is a waffle textured bathrobe.

Josiah says, “You can buy an Antarctica bathrobe with the South Pole compass on it, which is just a compass with every direction pointing north.”

Josiah goes to another part of the small store and points out souvenir rags, wine glasses and “basic drugstore items.”

To date, Josiah's Polemart tour has been viewed over 670,000 times, with many viewers thanking him for the insights.

As for the store's prices, the doctor notes in the comments section: 'IIt's actually a company store.

'It's not really there to make a profit. It's there for fun.

'Everything sold there is in principle at or just above cost price.'

1704558148 262 Welcome to the Polemart In the world39s southernmost store in

1704558148 262 Welcome to the Polemart In the world39s southernmost store in

Josiah goes to another section of the small store and points out souvenir patches, wine glasses, and “basic drugstore items.”

One of the more luxurious items for sale is a waffle textured bathrobe

One of the more luxurious items for sale is a waffle textured bathrobe

One of the more luxurious items for sale is a waffle textured bathrobe

In the clip, Josiah notes that there is also a small post office outside Polemart, which is open during the summer months.

To prove the mail came from the South Pole, Josiah says unique stamps can be applied.

The post office also has a 'be a hero, write to a child' box.

Joshiah explains what this is: 'Many children write to the South Pole Station.

“We put them in this box and then anyone who wants to come by can pick it up and write the child back.”

Josiah has now left Antarctica, but he has a loyal following on TikTok, where he regularly posts videos on various medical topics.

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