We were renovating our backyard when we saw a strange object moving – then we realized lives were at stake

This is the incredible moment an animal rescuer springs into action to save a dangerous snapping turtle that was hiding in the backyard of a New York home.

An unknown couple were working on their garden when the husband noticed a mysterious object moving in a pile of dirt.

The pair called in the help of animal rescuer Karenlynn Stracher, who identified it as a snapping turtle guarding her eggs.

Experts warn that snapping turtles can be dangerous and can even bite off a human finger with their powerful jaws.

A couple contacted animal rescuer Karenlynn Stracher after discovering a mother turtle in the backyard of their new home

“If they were to dig up the area tomorrow, the eggs would have to be removed properly and the precious lives within would have to be saved,” Stracher said in her video documenting the rescue.

To lay eggs, snapping turtles usually dig a hole and cover it with soil, then return to a nearby body of water.

But in this case, the reptile still guarded the eggs while humans were nearby.

Stracher explained in her video that she needed a “snow shovel” and a “large container” to get the turtle home.

The plan was to pick it up, put it in the trash and hang it safely over the fence.

The rescuer added that she wanted to make sure the snapping turtle didn’t go out onto the street or get hit by a car.

Eventually, the snapping turtle managed to reach the fence on her own, but she got stuck in a small opening.

When Stracher tried to help by spinning the turtle around, the animal jerked around and tried to shake her off.

But eventually he managed to get through the opening and back into the water safely.

Once the turtle was out of sight, Stracher turned her attention back to the eggs. She picked up one of the containers and filled it with moist soil from the backyard.

In total she found no less than 60 eggs, which she covered with a new layer of soil. However, she had to leave one of them behind because it was damaged.

She described them in the video, “They’re soft and leathery… They’re not chicken eggs, they’re more like ping-pong balls.”

At the end of the video, she confirmed that the eggs would go into a breeding program where they would be hatched and released.

TikTok users were quick to read the comments and commend Stracher for saving the lives of the snapping turtle and her babies.

Stracher found 60 eggs in the mound of dirt. Unfortunately, one was damaged and the wildlife expert was only able to save 59.

Stracher found 60 eggs in the mound of dirt. Unfortunately, one was damaged and the wildlife expert was only able to save 59.

Stracher confirmed that the snapping turtle was safely returned to the river and her eggs are now in a special breeding program

Stracher confirmed that the snapping turtle was safely returned to the river and her eggs are now in a special breeding program

‘Wow Karenlynn! What a beautiful video! I couldn’t take my eyes off it. What an educator you are and an amazing lady. Thank you for sharing this amazing experience with us,’ wrote one commenter.

“This was truly amazing. I had no idea one turtle can lay 60 eggs. God bless you Karenlynn,” said another TikTok user.