We got engaged 5 days after we first met and tried for a baby 2 weeks later – now we have a daughter and we’re happier than ever

A couple in love has revealed how they got engaged just five days after meeting – and now share a one-year-old daughter.

Jenny Koos, 36, and Lovemark Boadu, 44, from Malmö, Sweden, met at a party on July 9, 2021, after their mutual DJ boyfriend set them up.

The pair, who say they were immediately attracted to each other, got talking at the party — and by the end of the night, they were already talking about having a child together.

Five days after the party, the couple, who each have children from previous marriages, found some rings in Jenny’s draw and decided to get engaged.

And a week after that, they started their attempts to have a baby. They welcomed their daughter into the world in June 2022 after two miscarriages.

Jenny Koos, 36, and Lovemark Boadu, 44, from Malmö, Sweden, got engaged just five days after meeting

Jenny, a fertility awareness teacher, said, “His face was the first face I saw. I was just attracted to him.

“We were talking, and then we were dancing, and then nothing else existed. Within weeks of meeting, we brought our children together and made them a family.”

Lovemark, a teacher, said, “I felt the same way she did. It was a deeper connection at first glance. I knew this was the one.’

Founded by a mutual friend, the couple said they were attracted to each other and knew they were each other's person by the end of the night.

Founded by a mutual friend, the couple said they were attracted to each other and knew they were each other’s person by the end of the night.

The couple started trying to conceive after only two weeks of dating, and after two miscarriages, they became pregnant in September 2021.

The couple started trying to conceive after only two weeks of dating, and after two miscarriages, they became pregnant in September 2021.

Both Jenny and Lovemark were divorced and had four children together from their previous relationships: aged six, nine, ten and thirteen.

At the time of their meeting, they were both engaged in “personal growth” and knew they didn’t want to get into “messy” things. But when they first saw each other, they knew it was something special.

Jenny said, “Our friend told me to come to the party where he was spinning.

“He said to Lovemark, ‘Jenny will be there, and you will vibrate.’

“He both knew we’d like each other, but I don’t think he knew how much of a click we’d have.

“He probably didn’t expect the call the next day saying ‘oh, we’re getting married’.”

Reflecting on the first night they met, the couple talked about “everything” about their lives, from their past relationships to their financial situation.

Jenny said, “After we had all those important conversations, I said to him, ‘I’m just going to give you a child,’ and he said, ‘Yeah, you do.’ This is for life. That was it.’

Within two weeks they had met each other’s families.

Jenny said, “In my mind, we got engaged the first night because we said, ‘This is it.’

“After five days we found some rings in a drawer – they were my grandmother’s old rings – and we put them on.”

Both Jenny and Lovemark were divorced and had four children together from their previous relationships: aged six, nine, ten and thirteen.

Both Jenny and Lovemark were divorced and had four children together from their previous relationships: aged six, nine, ten and thirteen.

They tried to conceive after two weeks of dating and after two early miscarriages, they found out they were pregnant in September 2021.

However, at the 20-week scan, they were shocked to learn that the baby had heterotaxy syndrome – a rare condition in which organs in the chest and abdomen are abnormal or in different positions.

While it was a terrifying time for the couple, Jenny and Lovemark claim it only brought them closer together.

They decided to have scans done every week for the rest of the pregnancy, but didn’t know how this would affect her until the birth. Fortunately, she was born perfectly healthy on June 7, 2022.

Jenny said: ‘We were extremely concerned about her, but it made the relationship even deeper.

Their daughter was born on June 7, 2022 and spent a month in neonatal care as they conducted tests to monitor the child’s well-being. Fortunately, she is now completely fit and healthy.

Balancing their busy day-to-day lives with a one-year-old, the couple haven’t had the chance to tie the knot yet, but they hope to be able to throw a big party for their family and friends in the years to come.

Jenny explained that they considered themselves “married” from the day they decided to keep their daughter, adding, “There’s no ceremony that could be bigger than us.”

Their family and friends have been largely supportive of the relationship as the couple has many mutual friends who could see their connection.

Jenny said, ‘We’re showing that it’s possible. Happiness and love don’t need to be polished.