We are professional cleaners. Here are 5 items we would never place in our home because they attract dirt

When you move into a new home, it can be tempting to decorate it based on what you think looks best.

But some of the most popular kitchen and bathroom elements can be a nightmare to clean, so it may be worth keeping both functionality and aesthetics in mind.

A New Zealand company, Leaders Cleaning, has revealed the five things cleaners would never put in their own home to help you achieve style and save time.

Whether a spiral faucet is your dream sink setup or you want to feel like you’re cooking in a restaurant kitchen by adding steel countertops, there are a few things to avoid.

In a video shared on TikTok, Leaders Cleaning reveals the do’s and don’ts for an easy-to-clean kitchen.

A New Zealand cleaning company, Leaders Cleaning, has revealed the five things cleaners would never put in their own home to help you achieve style and save time

Whether a spiral kitchen faucet is your dream sink setup or you want to feel like you're cooking in a restaurant kitchen by adding steel countertops, there are a few things to avoid

Whether a spiral kitchen faucet is your dream sink setup or you want to feel like you’re cooking in a restaurant kitchen by adding steel countertops, there are a few things to avoid

The first thing to avoid when renovating is a spiral kitchen faucet, the experts say.

While they may look “great and professional,” cleaning experts say the coil fills with dust and dirt.

A tip for getting into those hard-to-reach places is to use a toothbrush between the coils – and make sure you use a limescale spray.

Instead, the experts say you should opt for a simpler style of pull-out faucet so you can still direct the water around the sink, but without the hassle of cleaning between coils.

Although a full-wall mirror in the bathroom can look stylish, cleaners say you should avoid placing a mirror directly behind the tap.

The mirror catches ‘any splashes’, such as from brushing your teeth or washing your hands, allowing you to continuously clean the mirror to keep it looking flawless.

If you are considering adding a long drain insert to your shower, the advice is that you probably shouldn’t.

While the drains may be more stylish than a regular drain hole, cleaning experts say they collect hair very quickly, meaning you’re often left with the daunting task of pulling it all out.

In addition, shower drain inserts can emit a rather unpleasant odor if not cleaned often, due to the accumulation of dirt and grime.

Although a full-wall mirror in the bathroom can look stylish, cleaners say you should avoid placing a mirror directly behind the tap

Although a full-wall mirror in the bathroom can look stylish, cleaners say you should avoid placing a mirror directly behind the tap

If you are considering adding a long drain insert to your shower, the advice is that you probably shouldn't

If you are considering adding a long drain insert to your shower, the advice is that you probably shouldn’t

Industrial-style steel countertops in your kitchen can look ultra-professional and make you feel like a real chef.

But if you’re not willing to constantly polish them, they can look dull instead of sparkling.

The cleaning experts say it’s best to keep these countertops for commercial kitchens and opt for stone instead, as it doesn’t stain much, isn’t prone to scratches and is easy to clean.

The last thing the cleaners recommend you avoid is an extractor hood in an open kitchen.

Because they are often oddly shaped, the tops can be difficult to clean and can collect grease and dust. The experts recommend buying a built-in extractor hood if you buy a new kitchen.