Watchmen is getting an R-rated animated adaptation, will we ever know peace

Very long an animated version of Guardians was actually a jokethe kind of ill-advised idea that seemed So bad that even DC, a publisher who has never met a lousy one Guardians idea that it wouldn’t at least consider, wouldn’t do it. Well, time fools us all, especially internet bloggers who think they’re smart: DC just greenlit an animated adaptation of Guardians.

According to reports of San Diego Comic-Con, DC announced its next two animated films during a screening of its latest release, Justice League: War World. Those two movies are Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths And Guardians.

Few details other than the logos were revealed for either project, though DC confirmed it Guardians would be rated R, like any reasonably fair approximation of Guardians can be expected (and was rumored to be the case when whispers of the project first surfaced way back in 2017).

An animated one Guardians is a mind-bogglingly odd choice, and that’s without even getting into the established history of DC’s exploitation of the Moore and Gibbons strip. First, Zack Snyder’s 2009 film, while divisive, is still fiercely faithful to its source material, save for a controversial change in the third act. On the other hand, HBO’s acclaimed successor casts a long shadow, rethinking the comic in a modern context while staying true to its spirit.

And finally: Guardians is a lot of of a comic book, the kind of story that’s longer than DC’s 90-minute animated films usually are. In the past, DC has worked longer stories into two movies, such as the dark knight returns And Batman: Quiet, which could be being an option here, as the DC animated films named after comics are relatively faithful to the source material.

Otherwise, we may be looking at a new take on Guardians whole, which will certainly come across well.