Watch as clumsy jogger accidentally takes out fitness fan behind him


On the dread-mill: Watch a clumsy runner take off his jersey while on the treadmill…and accidentally pull out a fitness fanatic behind him

A CCTV video captured the hysterical moment when an inexperienced gym-goer falls off a treadmill, killing another fitness enthusiast.

Adam Skelton, 30, was working out for the first time in three years at a gym in North Yorkshire when he hopped on the treadmill on January 18.

The footage, which has been viewed more than two million times, shows the 30-year-old losing his balance as he tries to remove his jumper.

As the awkward runner pulls his jersey over his head, he falls off the treadmill and onto another, killing another gym user.

Adam Skelton, 30, hadn’t been to the gym for three years, but was trying to get back into shape when he went to the North Yorkshire gym.

She fell backwards off her treadmill after trying to remove her sweater after warming up during her workout.

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Both men fall to the ground from the force of the treadmill as Adam hits the other gym user.

None of the fitness fanatics were injured in the crash at the gym in Thirsk, North Yorkshire.

Fortunately, both men saw the funny side and were in “good spirits” once they got up off the ground.

But Adam was left confused by the incident, which was caused by his loss of concentration when he took off his jersey.

Thankfully, it seems Adam’s rediscovered love of the gym hasn’t been affected by the hilarious accident.

Adam’s partner, Leona Phillip, 23, said the video was priceless and had left her in fits of laughter.

“I was absolutely hysterical when I found out. Video is absolutely priceless.

He slips off his own treadmill and falls backwards through the treadmill behind him, where another gym member was running.

Adam Skelton knocked out another gym user when he was pushed backwards by the treadmill after slipping

Both men were catapulted to the ground during the accident. Neither fitness fanatic was injured and both were in “good spirits.”

Adam has been out of the gym for three years and recently decided to get back into it.

He couldn’t figure out what had happened. Fortunately neither of them was injured.

“The guy behind him also took it in high spirits.”

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