Wat-er miracle! Terrifying moment tanker driver escapes death after his truck is hit by train crossing rails








Wat-er miracle! Terrifying moment tanker driver escapes death after his truck is hit by train crossing rails

The occupants of a water truck are lucky to be alive after their vehicle was smashed to smithereens by a train as they were crossed the track,

The lucky escape occurred in Utah this Friday, and if that were not extraordinary enough, the entire incident was caught on camera. 

James Wood,  theYouTube user who posted the video explained that he was recording the train in Wellington for his four-year-old son who is a big fan of Thomas the Tank Engine when the wreck happened.

Truck on train tracks

The danger zone: The truck driver pulls across the rails, seemingly oblivious to the onrushing train

Train wreck - one second to go Train wreck - one second to go

No escape: Suddenly, the train hurtles into view, and there’s no way now that a collision can be averted

James, known on YouTube as Rammn8r, said ‘I turned away for a moment just before the collision to see how long the train was and heard what sounded like a stick of dynamite exploding, only to turn back to see the truck being mauled to death by the train,’ 

The semi-truck was hit near its back wheels, and spun around. Police said the driver did not see the train coming.

The train smashes into the truck The train smashes into the truck

Impact: the video captures the moment that the train smashes into the truck

Train wreck aftermath Train wreck aftermath

Demolition derby: It’s scarcely credible, but the two occupants of the truck walked away from this scene of destruction

The man who witnessed the collision was stunned for a moment, but then gathered himself and rushed to the aid of the people inside the demolished truck, expecting to see dead bodies inside. 

Miraculously, the occupants of the water truck escaped unharmed.   

‘That was one heck of a ride for them, and they are the luckiest men I know,’ the eyewitness wrote.  ‘I literally witnessed a miracle because despite the fact that the train destroyed the truck, the men inside were okay and they are alive.’

The conductor of the train reported that the train crew were also uninjured, according to Fox 13