Washington Post removes ‘racist’ cartoon depicting ‘grossly mischaracterized’ Hamas terrorist with women and children tied to his body after reader backlash

The Washington Post quickly removed a cartoon of a Hamas terrorist after some readers called the cartoon “racist.”

The political cartoon, titled “Human Shields,” depicted a big-nosed Hamas extremist with babies, children and women tied to him as he wondered, “How dare Israel attack civilians…”

The cartoon was published online and in the print edition of the newspaper on Wednesday, November 8.

The caricature, drawn by cartoonist Michael Ramirez, was sharply criticized by some who saw it as a discriminatory portrayal of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, although it is unclear whether Haniyeh was the intended subject.

In response, David Shipley, the editor of the outlet’s opinion section, apologized for approving the publication in a note to readers on Wednesday.

“The reaction to the image convinced me that I had missed something profound and divisive, and I regret that,” Shipley wrote.

The Washington Post removed this cartoon of a Hamas terrorist linked to women and children and apologized for this cartoon, stating: ‘How dare Israel attack civilians’

The image was created by Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez, with his future at the Washington Post not mentioned in the outlet’s apology.

Shipley continued in his apology, “Our section is focused on finding common ground and understanding the bonds that hold us together, even in the darkest of times.”

The editor said the cartoon was initially intended to satirize a Hamas spokesman, but the response led him to believe the cartoon violated the “spirit” of his section.

The apology letter also included several letters of outrage, labeling the drawing as a “grossly mischaracterized” and “blatant mockery of” the Middle East crisis.

“The caricatures use racial stereotypes that are offensive and disturbing. Depicting Arabs with exaggerated facial features and portraying women in derogatory, stereotypical roles perpetuates racism and gender bias, which is completely unacceptable,” a reader from Fairfax, Virginia, wrote in a letter.

Suzanne van Geuns, a research fellow at Princeton University, said in a separate letter: “I am a scholar of religion and media; I recognize a deeply racist portrayal of the “heathen” and his barbaric cruelty to women and children when I see it again in Michael Ramirez’s November 8 editorial cartoon.

“Viewing this conflict through the lens of 19th century colonialists is in no way informative, useful or thought-provoking.”

David Shipley, editor of the Washington Post’s opinion section, apologized for approving the cartoon, saying the reaction to the image “convinced me that I had missed something profound and divisive, and for that I regret”

The Washington Post ran angry letters from readers removing the caricature, which “grossly mischaracterized” and “blatantly mocked” the Middle East crisis.

Since the cartoon was published, numerous activists have also spoken out to condemn the Washington Post’s decision to publish the cartoon.

‘This is the Washington Post. This is the kind of anti-Palestinian racism that is acceptable for publication,” said Palestinian-American poet Remi Kanazi.

Left-wing British commentator Owen Jones added: “This racist dehumanization is always a prerequisite for mass killings such as those currently taking place in Gaza.”

“It’s not even subtle in its racism,” he said.

Ramirez has also come under fire in the days since the cartoon was released, and some have noted that his work is normally published weekly, but this week’s cartoon was his first since late September.

Ramirez’s future at the Washington Post, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, was not mentioned in the newspaper’s apology.

Although he has not published a drawing for the Washington Post since the Hamas attacks on October 7, the cartoonist has released several for the Review-Journal.

This included another controversial take on the US response to the Israel-Gaza conflict published last week, in which a woman wears a Black Lives Matter T-shirt and holds up a sign that reads ‘Terrorist Lives Matter’ and ‘Blame Israel’. Support Hamas.”

Ramirez sparked controversy again last week with a cartoon of a woman wearing a Black Lives Matter T-shirt and holding up a sign that read: “Terrorist Lives Matter” and “Blame Israel.” Support Hamas’

While some reacted furiously to Ramirez’s latest Hamas cartoon, others felt it was a valid point regarding terror groups targeting children.

Hamas’ attacks on October 7 killed more than 1,400 people and took about 240 hostages, many of them women and children.

Israeli authorities also report that Hamas killed at least 31 children in the attacks and their aftermath.

Last week, Save The Children director of Palestinian Territories Jason Lee told the Washington Post that children make up two of every five civilian deaths in Gaza.

On social media, responses to criticism of Ramirez’s portrayal in “Human Shields” left many wondering “what’s inaccurate about it?”

“If I offend you, you should REALLY see some of the cartoons they publish in Gaza, especially after October 7,” said one Twitter user.

Another added: ‘Although it’s not subtle, it does reflect a very sad reality that you MUST acknowledge.’

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