Was Hawk Tuah girl predicted by The Simpsons? Fans think they’ve found the scene

Social media is in an uproar after X users discovered a possible link between the Hawk Tuah girl and The Simpsons.

Hailey Welch broke the internet this month when she answered a question about a technique that “drives men crazy” during a street interview on Tim and Dee TV.

She replied, “You gotta give that HAWK TUAH,” before spitting and saying, “Spit on that thing.”

X-users have noted that her technique is similar to that of Laura, a character from The Simpsons who Bart had a crush on during a season 4 episode.

The two women have one thing in common: they drive men against the wall by spitting in their hands.

Hailey Welch broke the internet this month after answering a question from Tim and Dee TV about a technique that will ‘drive men crazy’

X-users noted that Hawk Tuah girl's technique is similar to that of Laura, a character from The Simpsons whom Bart had a crush on during a season 4 episode

X-users noted that Hawk Tuah Girl’s technique is similar to Laura, a character from The Simpsons who Bart had a crush on during a season 4 episode

The episode where the storyline of Bart’s short-lived crush originally aired in 1992.

Towards the end of the episode, Laura and Bart are sitting on the sidewalk, where she reminds him that she would “tell his fortune.”

Laura took Bart’s hand and made him smile immediately after she told him he would become rich.

Laura then indicated that she imagined a country house with a tennis court in Bart’s future.

Bart, however, was almost speechless when Laura spat in the palm of his hand.

When she was gone, Bart stared at the saliva on his hand and said, “I will never wash this hand again.”

Bart took that statement seriously and claimed that the hand was controlling him after Lisa Simpson complained about it to their father.

Laura only appeared in two episodes of The Simpsons, the last of which was seen in archive footage in 1994.

The episode focusing on the story of Bart's short-lived crush originally aired in 1992. Her character has not been mentioned since 1994

The episode focusing on the story of Bart’s short-lived crush originally aired in 1992. Her character has not been mentioned since 1994

X-users tweeted the short hand spitting scene and made funny comments about the Hawk Tuah girl connection.

ā€œBart falls in love after she spits on that thingā€¦ or at least Bartā€™s hand,ā€ one X user tweeted.

More than one X user joked that The Simpsons should inspire someone else, and one person even tweeted that it was a ‘shame’ that Laura was no longer on the show.

‘They really predicted a lot of shit. It’s kind of crazy,ā€ someone said wrote.

Other X-users who have tweeted about the social media star compared her to other characters, including one from a video game.

“All this talk about Hawk Tuah reminded me of this Street Fighter character, T. Hawk,” said one X user wrote this morning.

So I imagined something like this in my headā€¦ I was completely wrong.ā€