Warning over the rise of killer ketamine: Leading drug expert IAN HAMILTON predicts use of ‘special K’ party drug will increase by 2024 amid messages of support from the likes of Elon Musk – as he reveals cocaine ‘stronger and cheaper than ever ‘ is

It was a popular party drug in the late 1990s and was often used at all-night raves for its euphoric effects.

But after a dip in the 2000s, ketamine use has risen again, with usage figures reaching a record high last year.

Police even seized 1.4 tonnes from the streets last year, compared to just 3kg 15 years ago.

At the same time, deaths have also skyrocketed, prompting warnings that it is “a campus killer” due to its popularity among college students and teenagers.

But according to Ian Hamilton, an addiction expert at the University of York, special K, this year will only become a bigger problem. And in a piece for MailOnline, he predicts that cocaine use will continue to explode and raises the alarm about synthetic opioids that have flooded the US…

The popularity of illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin and cannabis comes and goes; some become popular, while others lose their appeal. Examples of more popular drugs in the past year include nitrous oxide and cocaine, both widely used among young people.

Predicting which medications will be popular in the coming year can be difficult, but it is possible using several types of information. Of course, it’s not just about the extent to which a drug is used, but also about the harm it causes to those who use it.

Heroin has been on our streets for decades, but significant changes are coming to the market in 2024. Events thousands of miles away in Afghanistan will have a direct impact on the UK market in the coming year.

The supply of British heroin is dependent on opium from Afghanistan. Two years ago, when the Taliban took control, they vowed to end opium cultivation. It appears they have kept their word, and this will have a direct and devastating impact on the market in Britain. Any reserves of heroin available to the UK market have dried up, meaning they must look for alternatives to ensure an uninterrupted supply to the estimated 340,000 people who use heroin in England and Wales.

Those who supply illegal drugs such as heroin have proven to be very adaptable and clever when faced with these types of challenges. Alarmingly, the solution they have found is to replace heroin with synthetic opiates such as fentanyl. These types of synthetic drugs have wreaked havoc in America, where hundreds of thousands of people have overdosed every year in recent years.

Fentanyl and other synthetic opiates are many times more potent than heroin, meaning even experienced users can be surprised by the potency of these drugs, often with fatal consequences. Britain has suffered record numbers of drug-related deaths in recent years, to the point where these deaths have now overtaken the number of road deaths. The rise of synthetic opiates in Britain will accelerate these deaths and increase the already high number of drug-related deaths.

Another drug we should pay attention to in 2024 is ketamine. This drug has been used in medicine as an anesthetic for decades and has become increasingly popular on the black market. Users seek the happiness and feelings of detachment it provides, albeit in lower doses than when used as a drug. This drug has proven popular among young people aged 16 to 24 and there are no signs of this changing in the coming year. We know that the supply of illicit ketamine has increased because police have reported a tenfold increase in the weight of ketamine seized between 2021 and 2022 alone.

Demand for ketamine is driven by its affordability and availability, both factors that will drive an increase in its use. Added to this are some high-profile statements of support from Elon Musk, among others, who has spoken publicly about the benefits he has experienced in his private and business life as a result of ketamine.

While there are some early medical studies suggesting that ketamine could help treat depression and alcohol addiction, there is still a long way to go before this is conclusive.

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The strict controls applied to medical examinations are a world apart from the way someone uses the drug illegally in an attempt to self-medicate. The quality and control that takes place in research is not replicated on the black market.

Finally, cocaine is the third drug to pose a major threat in 2024. At a time when incomes are under pressure, such as the current cost of living crisis, cocaine offers exceptional value for money. Unlike many other products, cocaine is more powerful and affordable than ever before. This has fueled its enormous popularity and will support growth in usage through 2024.

Cocaine use has recently become normalized among many social groups as it is no longer considered just a drug for the wealthy. As a result, we will see more and more problems with overdoses, hospitalizations and other forms of harm as a direct result of using this drug.

It is unusual for a drug to be used on its own, as with cocaine. Cocaine and alcohol are often used together because the stimulant effect of cocaine counteracts the sedative effect of alcohol. This means that people can drink for longer and at a higher level. Given the increase in alcohol use among some population groups and the associated popularity of cocaine, the combined risks of using these drugs will be responsible for an increase in harm. When used simultaneously, the risk of fatal overdose, respiratory and cardiac problems is increased.

Unfortunately, our specialist treatment services are not designed to effectively treat people who have problems with drugs like cocaine or ketamine. So unless there is a radical change in government policy, the number of individuals and families affected by the inevitable increase in deaths will increase. But even, or perhaps because we are in an election year, neither Labor nor the Conservatives are showing they are willing to take up the challenge, that is the real crime.

REVEALED: The most common medications taken by 16-24 year olds

Cannabis 15.4%

Powder cocaine 5.1%

Nitrous oxide 4.2%

Ketamine 3.8%

Hallucinogens 2.8%

Ecstasy 2.4%

Mushrooms 1.9%

LSD 1.5%

New psychoactive substances 1.4%

Sedatives 0.9%

% indicates the percentage reporting use of the drug in the past year

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