Warning as ‘super flu’ sweeping across Australia expected to strike thousands this winter

How thousands of Australians are falling ill with a ‘super flu’ sweeping the country – with brutal thrills set to affect ‘almost everyone’ this winter

  • Brutal strain of flu sweeping across Australia
  • Up to 40,000 people have been knocked down so far in 2023
  • Apotheker has urged Aussies to get vaccinated against flu

Australians are being warned they could catch a brutal flu as the number of cases of the disease is 100 times higher than last year.

According to the Australian Government’s National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, there have been more than 40,000 cases of lab-proven flu so far by 2023, with more than 8,173 cases in the first half of May alone.

Aussie Pharma Direct director Daniel Seldon said almost everyone will be affected by the disease this winter if people are not vaccinated.

Australians are being warned they could catch a brutal flu strain as cases of the disease are 100 times higher than last year (pictured shows a woman vaccinated against Covid)

There have been more than 40,000 cases of lab-proven flu so far by 2023

“There’s a very good chance you’ll get it, I get it,” he said.

‘For me it was a week flat on my back and about three weeks to recover from the complaints.

More than three-quarters (77 percent) had flu A, dubbed the “child flu,” not because of its consequences, but because the disease has swept all early childhood centers and kindergartens.

The highest rate of infection in humans is the age of five to nine years, followed by the age of under four and the age of 10-14 years.

Despite the high number of children getting flu, they are among the least vaccinated: less than six percent of children under five have received a flu vaccination, something Seldon described as a “problem.”

To prevent children from bringing home unwanted germs, Mr Seldon advises parents to make sure they sanitize their hands as the ‘first thing’ after school.

It seems parents are already leading the charge, with Aussie Pharma Direct recording a 200 per cent increase in sales of face masks, sanitizers and the new dual rapid antigen test kit that tests for Covid-19 and the flu A and B over the past two weeks -species.

Pharmacist Daniel Seldon said almost everyone will be affected by the disease this winter if people aren’t vaccinated (pictured, Sydney commuters)

The most common place people contract illness is on public transport, with Mr Seldon urging people to steer clear of coughing and sniffling people and consider donning a mask on trains.

Mr Seldon himself contracted flu A shortly after getting his vaccination but before his body took full advantage of the shot, and he describes the symptoms as “much worse” than when he had Covid-19.

“I’m still suffering, it was really in my chest,” he said.

“I was in bed for about a week and then just couldn’t get rid of this cough. It’s still there and it’s really in your lungs.”

He says now is not the time to forget the hygiene lessons learned during the pandemic as they could save Australians from a serious case of the flu.

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