Want to transfer your files 9x faster than WeTransfer? This file transfer company is giving away 10GB of super-fast cloud storage for free, but there’s a big catch

MASV has officially launched its new free serviceindicating a shift from a trial-based model to a fully functional free product.

The company says the move is aimed at helping media professionals, especially those working with massive amounts of data, streamline their workflows and scale their operations without breaking the bank.

By offering up to 10GB of data transfer per month for free, MASV aims to respond to the growing need for fast, secure and reliable file transfers in industries such as film, television and digital media.

Support for workflows with large amounts of data

Traditional file transfer services often fall short when it comes to high-volume workflows, while legacy on-premises tools are plagued by complexity, security risks, and high costs. MASV says its free tier is designed to eliminate these challenges, allowing teams to build scalable and reliable workflows with minimal effort.

MASV offers 10GB of data for free every month, but if you handle larger files or want to transfer files more often, you can opt for a prepaid or fixed usage plan.

MASV also integrates with existing tools and storage solutions, including over 25 of the most popular cloud storage applications.

The platform offers a self-service model, meaning users can quickly build and manage their workflows with little to no technical support. MASV says the platform is designed to provide lightning-fast handoffs without sacrificing efficiency. data security.

The 10GB of free cloud storage offer comes with a few caveats that users should be aware of before diving in. While the first 10GB is free, the pricing structure for additional storage can quickly add up. After the first 10GB, users are charged $0.25 per GB for the next 490GB. If your storage needs exceed that, the cost drops slightly to $0.22 per GB for the next 2TB. For those who need even more space, the rate drops further to $0.20 per GB for over 2.5TB.

In addition to storage costs, there are also costs associated with storage duration. Users enjoy five days of free storage, but after that period, the cost is $0.07 per GB per month. This means that if files are stored for longer than the first five days, users will incur ongoing costs, which can increase depending on the amount of data stored. The initial appeal of free storage can be overshadowed by the costs associated with additional storage and extended retention periods. Therefore, potential users should carefully evaluate their storage needs and long-term costs before committing to this service.

“The launch of our new free tier is an invitation for media professionals to build on our vast platform,” said Greg Wood, CEO of MASV. “MASV is committed to providing exceptional value and file transfer tools to businesses with complex file transfer needs. We pride ourselves on the innovation, continuous product improvement, and close support we provide to customers, and we’re excited to see how people will use the free tier to build new, powerful file transfer workflows.”

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