VMWare customers are still concerned about the future after the Broadcom acquisition

In the wake of Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware, a new one report from CloudBolt Software has revealed the real reactions of the company’s customers.

Despite expected price increases and troubling terms and service revisions, the majority of VMware users are considering staying with Broadcom in whole or in part, the report found.

The analysis draws on responses from 300 IT decision makers from various industries to examine the impact of the acquisition on their IT strategies.

“There has been so much speculation in the market in recent months in the wake of the Broadcom acquisition about how VMware customers are reacting and what they plan to do in response – and how quickly,” said Mark Zembal, Chief Marketing Officer of CloudBold.

Zembal added that the survey was intended to separate truth from fiction by revealing insights into how VMware customers are actually responding to the Broadcom acquisition.

Despite the fact that customers tend to stay with VMware under the new leadership, the report highlights the widespread concern, with 99% expressing concern. An overwhelming majority (95%) also view the acquisition as disruptive to their IT strategy, with three in four anticipating a price increase of more than 100%.

With the changes in mind, four in five will remain fully (40%) or partially (43%) with VMware, while others prepare to move their workloads to the public cloud or alternative hypervisors.

Kyle Campos, Chief Technology Officer at CloudBolt, added: “Many companies will hold their noses and resign from Broadcom – at least for the short term to buy more time to prepare for alternatives.”

Moreover, the widespread concern has not gone unnoticed. Broadcom executives have made several comments in an attempt to reassure customers, but it is clear that the challenge continues for both Broadcom and its customers.

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