Vivek Ramaswamy campaign car RAMMED by trans-rights protesters: 2024 hopeful’s team shaken after confrontation with demonstrators

Vivek Ramaswamy campaign van RAMMED by trans rights protesters: 2024 hopeful’s team shocked after confrontation with protesters

  • A protester appeared to deliberately ram his vehicle into the rental car of 2024 hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy during a campaign stop in Iowa on Thursday
  • It came after Ramaswamy had an apparently respectful conversation with protesters
  • Ramaswamy was not in the vehicle at the time of the incident



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Vivek Ramaswamy was the target of a violent protest Thursday when two young people appeared to deliberately ram their car into the 2024 hopeful’s rental car during a campaign stop in Iowa.

Ramaswamy was not in the vehicle at the time of the incident and was not injured.

After what could be seen as a respectful exchange with protesters Thursday outside the Saints Rest Coffee House in Grinnell, Iowa, Ramaswamy was not received so kindly.

A young driver in a car with a Minnesota license plate and a passenger were captured on camera flashing their middle fingers at Ramaswamy before honking the horn, driving away and crashing into the candidate’s car.

Ramaswamy stopped to have a respectful debate with the protesters at the coffee shop — and later tweeted that he did not want the violent protesters to be associated with those who were exercising their First Amendment rights by demonstrating against him.

A ride in a blue Honda Civic (above) was caught on camera as he flashed the middle finger to Vivek Ramaswamy before speeding off and ramming their vehicle into his rental car during a campaign stop

A protester rammed his vehicle into 2024 hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy’s rental car during a campaign stop in Iowa on Thursday

“I had a civil conversation with protesters today just before two of them got in their car and rammed it into ours,” the candidate wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

He added: “Those two need to be held accountable, but the rest of the peaceful protesters should not be ravaged by the behavior of two bad actors.”

In a video of the stop obtained by, a protester outside the coffee shop is heard calling Ramaswamy an “a**hole.”

“Protect trans children,” another can be heard shouting, before a third says: “Climate change is real.”

“Does anyone have anything to say?” the presidential candidate asked.

“What’s it like to be the RNC’s punching bag?” another protester chimed in, to which the candidate responded by saying he believes both political parties are “corrupt.”

Ramaswamy took time to speak to the small group of relatively calm protesters after his campaign car was hit by a duo who were part of the demonstration.

One protester said her mother is a public school worker and demanded respect and good pay.

“I think every person deserves to be respected,” Ramaswamy replied calmly and seriously.

“The great thing about this country is that you all have the right to express your opinion and you do it peacefully and – even though I don’t agree with you, I am proud of you for speaking your mind,” he said.

Ramaswamy had a respectful conversation with protesters (pictured above) before one of them rammed their car into his campaign’s rental car on Thursday

As the protester resisted, claiming he wants to destroy America’s school system, the candidate intervened and said, “Thank her for her service to me.” I really mean that.’

He said the way forward in the US is “open debate” with people you disagree with.

“You do your part, I’m going to do mine. Keep it up.’

But moments earlier, his kindness went unrequited, when one of the protesters crashed her Honda Civic into Ramaswamy’s Avis rental car.

A police incident report obtained by shows each vehicle needs approximately $600 in repairs.

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