Viral IShowSpeed clip sparks race row after German car dealer refuses to let YouTuber test drive $75k sports car – despite him insisting: ‘I’ve got the money!’

A viral clip showing YouTube sensation IShowSpeed ​​being denied a test drive of a $75,000 car in Germany has sparked a social media uproar.

IShowSpeed, real name Darren Jason Watkins Jr, shared a video with his 10.5 million subscribers on YouTube documenting his recent trip to the Nürburgring Driving Academy, a motorsports facility in Nürburg.

At one point in the video, the 19-year-old spots a roofless sports car for sale at the complex and starts playing with the steering wheel.

A German car dealer then approaches in panic as Speed ​​quickly backs away and asks, “Is this yours?”

After apologizing for touching his vehicle, he says, “Can I buy this?”

A viral clip of YouTube sensation IShowSpeed ​​being denied a test drive for a $75,000 car in Germany has sparked a racing row

“If possible,” the dealer replies.

Speed ​​then asks how many miles the car has driven, after which he is asked to read the billboard hanging on the car.

“I’m serious,” the online personality insists. “I’m just interested in buying this car. Is it street legal?”

After the owner points to the license plate on the front of the car, Speed ​​says, “Yo, this dude is an asshole…”

He then goes on to clarify that the sports car costs a whopping $75,000, before asking if he can take it for a test drive.

However, that investigation is immediately stopped when the dealer shakes his head and refuses to test drive the vehicle.

“How much did you buy this for?” Speed ​​then continues.

“I think we’ll stop here,” the frustrated dealer tells him.

“Bro, I’m not trolling,” Speed ​​replies. ‘I mean it! I have the money. What makes you think I don’t mean it?’

The dealer then ignores another question about the original cost of his car and shakes his head to confirm that he doesn’t want to sell the car to him.

Speed ​​initially came across a roofless sports car for sale at a motorsports complex in Nurburg and started playing with the steering wheel

A German car dealer then approached him as Speed ​​quickly backed away and asked, “Is this yours?”

After asking for a test drive, the online personality was immediately rejected

Speed’s bizarre interaction in Nürburg has sparked outrage online, with multiple users claiming the dealership only denied him a test drive because of racism, claiming he had enough money to buy the car.

On X someone wrote: ‘It’s not even about the car or the money. The German clown is racist. Point.’

Another posted: ‘This is just ridiculous. What a senseless businessman. Very rude’.

A third commented: ‘I don’t think it was about the money.’

“Racially motivated,” said another.

A fifth said: ‘He should have bought both cars next to him to show that guy who was boss. Furious how that guy behaved.’

While someone posted a picture of the dealer and said, “I smell racism in the air.”

However, others pointed to both Speed’s behavior prior to the interaction (even jumping down on all fours and barking at a dog on the ground) and the cameras in the dealer’s face as reasons for him to be suspicious to be.

A number of social media users claimed that Speed ​​was denied a test drive due to racism

Others pointed to his pre-market behavior as a reason for the trader to be suspicious

One user posted: ‘To be honest. If this interaction had occurred without a camera present, would the same interaction have occurred? Maybe, but filming would have made the man suspicious. Just a “what if” question.”

Another move: ‘ngl [not gonna lie]. Speed ​​​​seems like a very unserious person.’

A third said: ‘I mean on the surface it seems like the seller is being dishonest, but when you consider he was musing at the car meet and putting on a show, it’s a legitimate concern not to take him seriously for a transaction.

“I like Speed, but it’s clear this guy can’t catch him. [seriously]’.

While a fourth wrote: ‘I’m sure it didn’t help that He got in the car and touched it without the owner there. Then the salesman was turned off. Green is the only colour salesmen care about. Unless you’re rude.’

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