Video gamers risk permanent hearing loss after exceeding safe limits

Video gamers around the world may be at risk of permanent hearing loss or persistent tinnitus, according to a systematic global review of all available evidence.

The analysis shows that noise levels reported in surveys of more than 50,000 gamers often approach or exceed safe limits. And given the popularity of video games worldwide, greater public health efforts are needed to raise awareness of the potential risks, researchers emphasize.

Although headphones, earbuds and music venues are recognized as sources of potentially unsafe sound levels, little attention has been paid to video games’ potential risk of hearing loss, according to researchers from the University of South Carolina and the World Health Organization.

Gamers often play at high-intensity sound levels and for several hours at a time, the review found. Estimates indicate that there were more than 3 billion gamers worldwide by 2022.

The review of 14 global studies involving more than 53,000 people found that noise levels are often close to or even exceed safe limits. People also tend to game for longer periods of time, while impulse noises – such as shooting noises – can be very high-pitched, the researchers said.

The study, published in the journal BMJ Public Health, concluded that “gamers who listen to high-intensity sound levels for extended periods of time may be at risk of permanent hearing loss and/or tinnitus.”

It added: “Findings suggest that it may be necessary to prioritize interventions, such as initiatives focused on education and awareness of the potential risks of gaming, which can help promote safe listening among gamers.”

The researchers pointed to guidelines showing that the “permissible” time a person can be exposed to 83 dB noise is 20 hours per week, while for 86 dB this is 10 hours, for 92 dB 2.5 hours and for 98 dB 38 minutes.

The permitted noise level is lower for children: 75 dB for 40 hours per week. By this definition, children can safely listen to sound at 83 dB for about 6.5 hours, at 86 dB for about 3.25 hours, at 92 dB for 45 minutes, and at 98 dB for only 12 minutes per week, the team said.

However, the study found that levels are often close to this or higher on average and cautioned that shooting noises and other high-pitched noises are not necessarily captured by average sound intensity levels.

Calling for further research in this area, the researchers added: “The limited evidence available suggests that gaming may be a common source of unsafe listening, putting many people worldwide at risk of permanent hearing loss and/or tinnitus.”

Franki Oliver, audiology manager at hearing loss charity RNID, said: “There are two factors that increase the risk of noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus: how loud the sound is and how long you are exposed to it.

“If you use gaming headsets or headphones, it is very important that you do not exceed the safe volume limits on your device.”