Victim of predator Sydney dentist Bassem Fouad tells court about his abuse

Predator victim Sydney dentist Bassem Fouad tells court about his assault

A teenage girl who hoped to improve her self-esteem by getting braces says she wished she never walked into Bassem Fouad’s dental office.

The girl was 15 when she was sexually touched during a procedure, one of the five victims of the now 55-year-old dentist.

Fouad has never admitted to deliberately touching the girls and women and blames medical problems – including deep vein thrombosis and a fungal infection – for unknowingly touching himself during dental procedures.

A court on Friday heard impact statements from two of the five victims, including the 15-year-old schoolgirl who said she had been battling mental illness since the incident.

The girl, now 18, said she hoped getting braces would make her feel better about herself, but she was left with deep mental scars after her encounters with Fouad.

Bassem Fouad (above), 55, was found guilty in March of three counts of aggravated indecent assault, four counts of sexual assault and one count of intentionally sexually assaulting a child

“I was in Year 9 when this offense, sexual touching, started,” said the teen’s statement read out at court at Downing Center in Sydney.

“I don’t think a teenager should normally go through this kind of thing.

“I am always tired and I feel academically inadequate.

“I have to stare at my phone for hours until I get too tired and can sleep.”

The teen said it had been the hardest time of her life.

“If I could go back in time, I wish I never set foot in that clinic,” she said.

Fouad was found guilty in March of three counts of aggravated indecent assault, four counts of sexual assault and one count of deliberately sexually assaulting a child.

He admitted at trial that he may have accidentally pressed his genitals against the thighs, head or arms of patients while he was operating at his Mascot clinic.

Defense attorney Jeff Clarke argued that, aside from his misdemeanours, Fouad was of good character and should be sentenced to a community corrections order that would result in him avoiding prison.

“I think both sides agree that the breach was opportunistic,” he said.

“On other days, this man is very highly regarded indeed.”

But prosecutors argued that Fouad’s good character was one of the reasons he was able to become a dentist and access victims the way he did.

Another victim said that as a Christian, a picture of Jesus on the wall of the clinic made her wonder what was happening to her.

“I was overcome with a jolt in my head as I tried to rationalize what had been done to me,” she said.

One of the girls, now 19, said she visited Bassem Fouad’s dental office to get braces but instead was sexually assaulted and left traumatised.

She said going to the police and testifying in court forced her to relive the ordeal.

“I felt lost when I was told it was his word against mine,” she said.

Fouad will be sentenced on September 22.

1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

National Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service 1800 211 028

Children’s helpline 1800 55 1800 (for people aged 5 to 25)

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