Vandals attack home of Jewish US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel by defacing fence with the word NAZIS as anti-Semitic attacks soar to a ‘historic level’ across America

The home of U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel was targeted by anti-Semitic vandals this weekend when they spray-painted the word “Nazis” on a fence outside the Michigan home.

Emanuel, 63, a Jewish-American who was a former mayor of Chicago and is considered one of former President Barack Obama’s closest confidantes, was not home at the time of the incident, which occurred in the beach community of Union Pier, about 75 miles away. North of. of the Windy City.

“Our family is very proud of the way our friends, neighbors and community have stood with us and uniquely condemned hatred and bigotry,” Emanuel said in a brief statement.

Emanuel also thanked “local law enforcement for their dedication, speed and seriousness in addressing this crime.”

There was no attempted break-in at Emanuel’s home and the former mayor quickly made sure the word was removed.

Vandals spray-painted the word NAZIS on a fence outside the Michigan home of Rahm Emanuel, one of the most prominent Jewish-American politicians in the US

Emanuel, 63, is the U.S. ambassador to Japan and previously served in Congress, as mayor of Chicago and as chief of staff to President Barack Obama

This is just the latest heinous act of anti-Semitism to occur in the US since Hamas’ brutal attack on Israel on October 7, which killed 1,200 Jewish people, and the IDF’s subsequent bombardment of Gaza.

“Unfortunately, it’s not that surprising. The boldness with which people express their anti-Semitism and their hatred has increased dramatically,” said David Goldenberg, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League Midwest. ABC Chicago in the aftermath of the attack on Emanuel’s home.

While reformed neo-Nazi leader Jeff Schoep told the channel that anti-Semitic groups have been “emboldened” by mass demonstrations denouncing Israel.

Schoep said about the attack on Emanuel’s house that it was ‘intended to be offensive’. It is extremely hateful and despicable, and that is the intention behind it.”

The graffiti attack was also condemned by the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Before becoming mayor of Chicago, Emanuel served as Barack Obama’s chief of staff from 2009 to 2010. During his tenure as mayor, his government was heavily criticized for the way it handled the problems. police shoot teenager Laquan McDonald.

Shortly after deciding not to release the footage of the McDonald’s shooting, Emanuel chose not to run for re-election.

The combative Democrat is known for his use of colorful and sometimes profane language.

During his time in the Obama administration, Emanuel earned a reputation as a “bull-in-a-china shop”

Emanuel has chosen not to run for re-election as mayor following the police shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald

Early in his time in the Obama White House, his brothers gave him a nameplate on his desk that read: “The Undersecretary for Go F**k Yourself.”

In Japan, his long ties with the West Wing are seen as an advantage by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s government, which is eager to strengthen ties with Washington, a senior Japanese official told Reuters in September.

Emanuel and his wife, Amy Rule, have had a retreat in Union Pier for decades. The couple married in June 1994 at the same location where Barack and Michelle Obama tied the knot in 1992.

Emanuel’s marriage contract was signed by the king of the Democratic Party, David Axelrod. The couple have three children together, a son and two daughters.

Just last weekend, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker pointed the finger at Republican front-runner Donald Trump amid the rise in religious hatred.

Pritzker pointed out that Trump regularly uses words last heard “in the 1930s in Germany.”

“What I can tell you is that the things he’s talking about are frightening to those of us who know the history of Europe in the 1930s and 1940s,” Pritzker told MSNBC’s Inside With Jen Psaki.

Nazi salutes in the streets of Wisconsin as the group marched through Madison on Saturday

The group proudly waved swastika flags as they marched past a Starbucks branch

The University of Pennsylvania came under fire earlier this month after anti-Jewish slogans were projected onto three buildings at the school.

A day earlier, neo-Nazis marched unopposed on Wisconsin’s capital, waving swastika flags, giving Hitler salutes and leaving onlookers shaking in fear.

About two dozen members of the so-called “Blood Tribe” group stopped outside a former synagogue and chanted “Israel is not our friend” and “blood will be shed” as state police looked on.

With thousands in town for the Badgers game against Nebraska, the group carried their banners through downtown Madison, from the University of Wisconsin campus to Capitol Square.

“My stomach dropped, I was disgusted, I was furious, it was horrible,” said Jewish student Jordyn Grover.

‘I’ve never felt so disgusted in my life. I see all these people who just really want me dead.’

In late October, the ADL said anti-Semitic attacks in the US had increased 400 percent since October 7, compared to the same period last year.

Administration officials met with American Jewish leaders last month to discuss steps to counter what a White House official described as an alarming increase in reported cases of anti-Semitism on college campuses.

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