V8 Supercars star James Courtney opens up about almost burning to death at the Australian Grand Prix

  • James Courtney relives his lucky escape during the Australian GP
  • Courtney’s Ford Mustang caught fire in Albert Park last year
  • Courtney said it was one of the scariest experiences he has had

V8 Supercars star James Courtney has spoken of his lucky escape from death when his Ford Mustang burst into flames and was engulfed in a fireball during last year’s Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix.

Flames became visible on the left front wheel of the Tickford Racing entry as Courtney rounded the final two corners at Albert Park.

The 42-year-old returned just in time as a massive fire engulfed the car as he reached the pits, with dense black smoke billowing from his Mustang.

“It definitely wasn’t my favorite time I’ve ever had in a race car,” said Courtney News Corp.

‘The worst part is that no one wants to be burned alive.

V8 Supercars star James Courtney (pictured with wife Tegan Woodford) has spoken about his death during last year’s GP

‘In an accident – ​​because it all happens so quickly – you only really think about it afterwards, you try to keep more control of the car, I think.

“But with fire…I don’t know what would be worse, being eaten by a shark or burned alive.

‘It was definitely not pleasant and it was probably one of the scariest times I’ve been in a car because it’s so out of control and when I saw how big it was I probably got a bit scared when I stopped.

‘I guess I only realized how big the fire was when I slowed down in the pit lane…. it looked pretty wild.”

While the pit crew rushed to his aid with fire extinguishers, Courtney managed to get out of the car quickly in time.

‘The last bit I couldn’t really see it and all I remember is that when I came into the pit lane there was so much smoke in the pit lane. I remember thinking that this would be my last breath, so take a good breath,” he said. 2010 Supercars Champion said.

‘I was holding my breath and when I stopped I pressed the incendiary (activator) to detonate it because that takes all the oxygen out of the air and I didn’t want to hit that as I was driving around.

“I remember when I got out I got caught in the net we have next to us because I couldn’t see. when you press the button to release the net it should spring back or come down but since I was trying to get out I guess it wouldn’t open so you kind of panic and I just remember that I almost ripped it out trying to get it open.

James Courtney’s Ford Mustang caught fire in Albert Park last year shortly after returning to the pit lane because he smelled smoke

Courtney said the experience is one of the scariest moments he has ever had in a car

‘My eyes were burning and my throat and nose were burning because I think I accidentally inhaled so much of the fire extinguisher trying to get out.

“I eventually got out and wasn’t hurt.”

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