Using too many collaboration tools is actually making work harder

According to a new report from Asana, employees spend 1.5 workdays per week, or about 30% of their time, navigating “disconnected” tools at work.

The survey of more than 3,000 British and American knowledge workers reveals employees' overwhelming desire to have fewer, but more effective tools to help them get their work done.

Unsurprisingly, Asana thinks artificial intelligence can help pave the way for a more productive workforce. However, the company also recognizes that AI offers companies even more choice, making it harder to refine solutions.

A third (32%) of employees say that while their organization provides technologies to ease workloads, they are not used effectively, resulting in wasted money on unused licenses.

A further two in five (45%) say they want more guidance from their employers on how to work together effectively. The average worker spends 84 minutes every day searching for the information they need to get their work done. Another hour and a half is spent switching between collaboration tools (57 minutes) and deciding which collaboration tool to use (30 minutes).

According to Asana, the sweet spot appears to be offering twelve different digital collaboration tools, only one of which is responsible for work management tools.

Employees have also called for standardization, with three-quarters (74%) suggesting it would be easier if all employees within their organization used the same core technologies.

Those who use too many tools are the most optimistic about the benefits of AI and its ability to reduce the number of tools they need to use, but seven in ten (72%) say their employer is unwilling to adopt AI tools to deploy.

Dr. Rebecca Hinds, head of Asana's Work Innovation Lab, noted: “In today's working world – where employees are inundated with notifications and messages – there is a fine line between being connected and distracted.”

Hinds said workers are calling for a “tech reset” and that companies must better meet workers' needs.

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