USC launches campaign to rename their live rooster mascot with ‘COCK COMMANDER’ leading polls


University of South Carolina launches campaign to rename their live rooster mascot… but fan suggestions get out of hand with ‘COCK COMMANDER’ leading polls, and others calling for ‘Cluck Norris’ and ‘Cocky McCockFace’

  • The South Carolina Gamecocks have long had a rooster as their athletics mascot
  • While he isn’t going anywhere, the rooster formerly known as Sir Big Spur, will have a new name following a dispute between his former and current owners
  • A deal for the naming usage of Sir Big Spur has expired with the University now working on an updated name for the beloved live animal
  • The State newspaper in Columbia, SC posed a poll asking fans for their preferred new name with ‘Cock Commander’ the current runaway favorite







The University of South Carolina have found themselves needing a new name for their live rooster mascot following a bizarre dispute between the bird’s owners, past and present. 

Fundamentally, it boils down to the former owners’  — Mary Snelling and Ron Albertelli — unhappiness with his newest caretakers, the Clarks, refusing to cut the comb on top of his head. 

Sir Big Spur previously had the fleshy area upon his head cut to replicate the look of a fighting Gamecock. 

The reported reasoning, per The Charleston Post & Courier, for the rooster’s presently longer locks is for health benefits.

Naming rights between the university and the Albertelli’s have expired and it seems they have no interest in renewing them following alterations to their feathered friend. 

USC is now looking into a new name for the bird which will be in play before their opening football game against Georgia State on September 3. 

Sir Big Spur VI will have a new name following a fallout between his current and former owners

The rooster, in various iterations, has been present at USC games since his first in 1999

With the new and potentially improved name catching the imagination of Gamecock Nation, The State put together a list of 10 potential options before offering readers the opportunity to vote. 

The State put together a list of 10 potential options for readers to vote on

At the time of writing, Cock Commander has the lion’s share with 78 percent of the vote followed by Cluck Norris and Coop (or Cooper) which hold five percent and four percent respectively.

Calling the live mascot an iteration of Sir Big Spur is off the cards according to the university’s legal team. 

The school has been ‘advised against using an old name “Big Spur,” which was suggested by many fans, due to its close relationship to Sir Big Spur, which is not owned by the University,’ USC marketing director Eric Nichols said, via The State.

It is an end of an era for Gamecock fans with the bird first appearing in 1999 at a USC baseball game.

2006 was the first time he appeared at the school’s football games. Often, he would be seen on ‘The Roost Roller’ — a motorized remote-controlled cart used to ride around the Williams-Brice Stadium.

The bird may end up being named ‘Cluck Norris’ in a tribute to the actor Chuck Norris

There have been six different Sir Big Spurs under the Albertellis’ ownership model. 

Due to the Albertellis’ health complications and older age, they had looked for new owners to take over the South Carolina fan favorite.

Sir Big Spur VI wasn’t present during 2020 season as live mascots were banned by the SEC per COVID restrictions. 

Although he returned in 2021 and will do so again in 2022, just with a different identity.  

Sir Big Spur will have a new name by the time South Carolina face Georgia Tech September 3

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