US military scrambles to intercept two Russian and two Chinese bombers off the coast of Alaska as Joe Biden was about to address the nation

Two Russian and two Chinese bombers were intercepted while flying close to US airspace.

American and Canadian fighter jets were flown in to take out the incoming planes, just hours before Joe Biden addressed the nation about his presidency.

The Russian TU-95 ‘Bear’ turboprop strategic bombers and Chinese H-6 jet bombers were spotted by the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

NORAD detected and tracked the aircraft on Wednesday as it entered the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, the command said.

The Russian TU-95 ‘Bear’ turboprop strategic bombers (file photo) and Chinese H-6 jet bombers were spotted by the North American Aerospace Defense Command

None of the four planes entered U.S. airspace and remained in international airspace when NORAD aircraft intercepted them.

The presence of foreign aircraft in Alaska’s ADIZ is not considered a threat, but is closely monitored by NORAD satellites, radar, and aircraft.

The zone is a stretch of international airspace extending 150 miles (240 kilometers) from the coastline and is monitored by NORAD, a joint effort between the U.S. and Canada.

All aircraft flying into the zone must identify themselves in the interest of national security.

President Joe Biden revealed in a speech in the Oval Office why he decided to step down as the Democratic presidential candidate

Tensions between the US and Russia are rising over the war in Ukraine and increasing conflicts in the Middle East.

Defense experts warn that global tensions are at their highest levels since the 1970s.

Biden delivered an 11-minute farewell speech in the US on Wednesday evening to explain why he abandoned his re-election campaign on Sunday.

The president said he had chosen to ‘passing the torch’ to vice president Kamala Harris because it was time for ‘younger voices’ and he believed this would ‘unite’ the country and ‘save democracy’.

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