Wild moment muggers try to rob delivery driver and he instantly turns the tables on them

Footage shows a delivery man pulling a machete on a number of would-be robbers in Uruguay, immediately turning the tide.

The less than a minute long altercation was captured on CCTV and shows the two thieves prowling in the background.

The food delivery man notices them as he unpacks his insulated bag, from which he pulls the gun when they get too close.

The pair quickly run away, while the motorcyclist gives chase on foot. It remains unknown what happened immediately afterwards, but it appears that the armed delivery man – against all odds – secured his loot.

The principles were not mentioned because at least one of the men appeared to have been knocked down. Meanwhile, the clip continues to gain popularity online – with views now reaching over 4 million views in just a few hours.

Footage shows the moment a delivery driver was almost robbed in Uruguay before the tide immediately turned

The man is seen taking a machete from his insulated bag when he encounters the would-be robbers, who respond by running away

In it, the delivery person is seen arriving at a house in an unknown suburb and disembarking to leave the order.

He soon notices the two men approaching from down the street, seconds before they converge under the cover of night.

The driver continues to ring the doorbell so that the homeowners can come out, while the two perpetrators continue to approach.

As the seconds pass, it quickly becomes clear that a confrontation is inevitable – prompting the delivery person to pull the bladed weapon from the delivery bag.

The two boys, wearing sweatshirts and with their faces covered, immediately notice and seemingly give up trying to talk to the man before running away like crazy.

At this point, one of the perpetrators, dressed in gray, appears to be hit and hacked at least once by the machete, and begins to scream.

His partner in crime briefly returns to help, before both give up and continue running away.

Undeterred, the driver gives chase on foot, leaving behind his bicycle and bag of undelivered food.

At one point, one of the perpetrators, dressed in gray, appears to be hit and hacked at least once by the machete, and begins to scream.

His buddy briefly returns to help, before both give up and continue running away. The delivery man, seen in gray and red, gives chase. At the time of writing, it is still unknown what happened to the three men

The clip then cuts – with the end of the commotion not seen.

Bystanders online were left speechless by the display, prompting some to praise the driver’s courage and willingness to take matters into their own hands.

“Imagine going to work and having to GO WITH A MACHETE to defend yourself because they could rob and kill you,” read one such comment, translated from Spanish.

“Let’s make donations so the delivery person can buy another machete,” another added, also in Spanish.

“I want the delivery driver as justice minister,” said another, as the identities of the driver and his accusers remain unknown.

However, the footage shows the dangers of delivery journeys regardless of location, especially when supervised.

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