Urgent skin cancer warning as cases hit record high

Urgent skin cancer warning as cases hit record high blamed on cheap package holidays

The boom in cheap package holidays in the 1960s has been linked to an increase in a serious form of skin cancer in older adults, a charity has suggested.

New figures from Cancer Research UK reveal that melanoma skin cancer diagnosis has reached an all-time high across all age groups, with 17,500 people being diagnosed each year in the UK.

Their latest projections suggest that the number of cases could increase by nearly 50 percent over the next 20 years, with a record 26,500 diagnoses per year by 2040.

The charity pointed to a particular rise in cases among adults aged 55 and over who were believed to have been born from 1968 onwards.

The number of cases among this age group has nearly tripled since the 1990s.

Cancer Research UK pointed to a particular increase in cases among adults aged 55 and over who were believed to have been born from 1968 onwards. The number of cases among this age group has nearly tripled since the 1990s. “The rise in the over-55s is likely linked to trends to have tanned skin and the boom in low-cost package holidays dating back to the 1960s before people became more aware of skin cancer,” the charity said.

Between 1993 and 1995, 21.3 people age 55 and older were diagnosed with melanoma in every 100,000, which rose to 62.9 cases per 100,000 in 2017-2019.

“The rise in the over-55s is likely linked to trends to have tanned skin and the boom in low-cost package holidays dating back to the 1960s before people became more aware of skin cancer,” the charity said.

Other factors may also come into play, including a growing and aging population and more people getting their skin checked when they notice changes.

But despite the rise in cases, deaths from the disease are declining, the charity revealed.

CRUK said early diagnosis and treatment means more people than ever will survive the disease.

Michelle Mitchell, managing director of Cancer Research UK, said: ‘Our new analysis paints a mixed picture for cancer patients and the staff who care for them.

While it is promising that more people are seeking treatment for skin cancer sooner and survival is improving, it is alarming that the number of cases of the disease could skyrocket in the coming years.

Melanoma is the fifth most common cancer in the UK and we know that 86 per cent of these skin cancers are preventable.

‘It’s important to be careful in the sun and to contact your GP if you notice any unusual changes to your skin – it’s not just changes to a mole that matter, it could be a sore that doesn’t heal or unusual changes to an area of ​​your skin. Detecting cancer early can make all the difference.’

Dr. Julie Sharp, Cancer Research UK’s head of health and patient information, added: ‘Whether you’re on holiday abroad or enjoying the good weather closer to home, it’s important to take steps to reduce your risk of skin cancer , especially if you burn easily.

And remember, sunburn doesn’t just happen on the hottest days, you can still get sunburnt when it’s cloudy.

‘The best way to protect your skin when the sun is shining brightly is to spend time in the shade, especially between 11am and 3pm in the UK, and cover up with a t-shirt, hat and sunglasses .

“Wearing sunscreen also helps you stay safe in the sun. Make sure you put on enough and reapply regularly.’

Sunburn just once every two years could triple the risk of developing skin cancer, the charity warned.

A new mole or a change in an existing mole can be signs of melanoma.


The more moles a person has, the greater the risk of developing melanoma.

The following ABCDE guidelines can help people identify moles that may need to be seen by a doctor.


Watch out for moles with an irregular shape.

Check for asymmetrical moles with an irregular shape


Check for jagged edges.

People should watch out for moles with irregular borders and jagged edges

Cchange color

If a mole changes color or is a different color in one part than the other, seek medical advice.

Moles that change color or are a different color should be looked at


Any increase in size should be monitored, but be especially careful of moles that grow more than about 6mm in width.

Any change in size should be checked, but more than 6mm in diameter is very concerning


The E section is generally classified as ‘elevation’; warning to watch out for moles emerging from the surface, especially if it is irregular.

Still, Dr. David Fisher, director of the melanoma program at Massachusetts General Hospital, explains that many dermatologists have different classifications for this.

His preferred word is “evolve.”

Dr. Fisher previously told MailOnline, “Is it changing? Notice anything suspicious or concerning? That’s the key.’

Watch out for moles that have grown up or that’evolve in time

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