Urgent ‘do not eat’ warning for mayo sold at Lidl amid fears it may be contaminated with listeria

Urgent ‘do not eat’ warning on mayo sold at Lidl amid fears it may be contaminated with listeria

  • ‘Do not eat’ warning issued by watchdogs over a batch of mayonnaise
  • Suppliers are concerned that the mayonnaise is contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes

A batch of May has been urgently recalled due to fears that it could be contaminated with listeria.

Food safety watchdogs have warned of the potential risk of the Potts’ Truffle Mayonnaise batch.

The product is sold at budget supermarket Lidl.

Food Standards Agency (FSA) officials have told the public not to eat the mayo because of the potential health risk.

Pott’s Truffle Mayonnaise sold at budget supermarket Lidl is being recalled by supplier Potts Partnership Ltd over fears it may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes

Those who eat foods containing listeria can develop an infection called listeriosis, which can cause fever, aches and pains, chills, nausea, nausea, and diarrhea.

Those who eat foods containing listeria can develop an infection called listeriosis, which can cause fever, aches and pains, chills, nausea, nausea, and diarrhea.

Listeria is a bacteria that poses a particular threat to the elderly, pregnant women and babies.

For most people, listeria poisoning can be similar to the flu and include a high temperature, muscle aches or pains, chills, and nausea or vomiting.

Usually the symptoms disappear after a few days.

However, some vulnerable groups may experience life-threatening complications such as sepsis and meningitis.

The truffle mayonnaise is sold in 230g glass jars.

Items being recalled have an expiration date of July 2024 with the batch code 18823.

Customers who purchased the product with this expiry date are urged to return it to the nearest store.

Those who bought the mayonnaise can get a full refund.

However, this recall does not affect other Potts Partnership Ltd products.

Points of sale will be shown in supermarkets where this product is sold, including Lidl.

Listeria usually infects refrigerated, ready-to-eat foods such as prepackaged sandwiches, pâtés, and soft cheeses.

According to the most recent available data, a total of 124 cases of listeriosis were reported in England and Wales in 2020.

Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US estimates that about 1,600 people get listeriosis each year.

What is Listeriosis?

mMost people who get listeriosis, caused by the bacteria called listeria, will only experience mild symptoms, such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Other symptoms of the infection may include a high temperature of 38°C or higher, aches and pains and chills, according to the health service.

However, more serious complications can arise in people with weakened immune systems, infants, the elderly, and pregnant women.

Many foods can contain listeria, but it’s most commonly found in unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses, and ready-to-eat foods, such as prepackaged sandwiches.

Listeria is common in the environment and can be found in raw food and soil, and in the feces of many mammals, birds and fish.

According to figures, about 120 cases of listeriosis are confirmed in England every year. It affects about 1,600 in the US each year.


  • wash your hands regularly with soap and water
  • wash fruits and vegetables before eating them
  • store ready-to-eat foods as recommended by the manufacturer
  • make sure all hot food is completely hot